Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Case Study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study - Coursework Example So clearly this matter needed participation from stakeholders like the public, the Mayor’s office and the PUC (Case Study, p 2). 2. Make a point- by- point case, pro or con, on a situation in which people who own shares in a company nonetheless have a voice in its destiny. Justify your position with comparative examples in other areas of public policy. Each of the stated parties- CFLC and Edison- adopted strategies and took out messages that looked at the case from their own point of view. The objective was to gain sympathy in the right quarters and among the most effective parties so that the decision would be in their favor. While Edison came out with very general statements, they were also hiding some truths. The merger and downsizing would result in loss of employment and the economic viability of San Diego would also be threatened, the SDG&E case coming up soon after the loss of South Pacific Airlines Corporation. CFLCs strategy was more effective since it appealed to the PUC and used the Mayor and the media to present its case more effectively. It was thus able to garner enough support to triumph over Edison’s bid for the merger. Obviously the PUC committee was also against the merger as it would not serve the larger public interest. Common sense prevailed eventually and after a 3 year battle, the decision was awarded in favor of CFLC and the citizens of San Diego- to do away with the merger. CFLC was in fact against the movement of business from San Diego and welcomed ENOVAs merger with Pacific Enterprises in 1996 to form Sempra Energy, which is still located in San Diego. The public needs job opportunities as well as affordable electricity and SDG& E would provide them with both. Thus the decision not to allow the merger was in the public interest (Case Study, p3). Unfortunately the business world is full of corporate raiders waiting to make a bid for a company they deem attractive in terms of its business

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