Friday, May 31, 2019

History :: essays research papers

We have been taught that it is important to know history so that we can understand and learn from past mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future. Therefore, attending the Holocaust Museum should be mandatory because the museums unique interactive exhibits allows people to relive the inhumanity of the Holocaust and to have a hands on stimulate with the events leading to and ending World War II.The Holocaust Museum did a remarkable job of involving the visitors during the tour. It was as if we turned back time and actually relived the whole trial by ordeal as first hand witnesses. Throughout the tour there were many exhibits recreating the crucial events leading to the Holocaust, and reenactments of meetings leading to the final decision to begin the execution of the Jews. The museum exhibits distinctly gave everyone a better understanding and feeling of the struggles that the Jews went through during the war. Through old documents and pictures displayed on exhibits throughout the tour, the visitors were showered with horrific and heroic information that you simply outweart get from textbooks or films. The Hall of Testimony was an emotional exhibit where visitors watched films and listened to experiences of Jewish people who were involved in the concentration camps. The Hall of Testimony was a dour and gloomy room ironically representing a gas chamber. It gave people a sense of deeper understandment and fear of what was actually going on. It felt as if you were actually in a gas chamber waiting for your final hours of life. Watching dramatic videos of the Jewish people being stripped of their clothing and separated from their loved ones to bow the gas chambers became very emotional and hard to watch. It made everyone in the room both psychologically and physically aware of the actual sufferings that occurred during the Holocaust.I dont believe that I have ever been fully aware of the tragedies and sorrows that occurred during the Holocaust. Throughout many years of learning about the Holocaust in junior high, high school, and college, I still felt a sense of emptiness about the whole ordeal as I walked into the Museum of Tolerance. However, when I walked out of the museum I felt as if I was a new man. I began realizing how cruel the arena can be and how much the people living in this world today can improve it by showing equality towards one another.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The National Geographic Society :: history

The matter Geographic SocietyIts right here, was the old guards response when I asked him where I could find the bailiwick Geographic Society. Immediately upon entering the gates of the Shura Council Compound, I found a plaque on one of the two buildings indicating it to be the National Geographic Society. I entered the Society and began to analyze all of its aspects to determine whether or not the museum is achieving its purpose of improving the theatre of geographics in Egypt. The National Geographic Society is not fully achieving its purpose due to several reasons. First of all, the lack of advertising is preventing the attraction of more visitors and funding. Secondly, poor organization makes it harder on visitors and researchers to find specific items they atomic number 18 looking for. Finally, inadequate presentation makes visits to the museum uninformative and unappealing. Consequently, the National Geographic Society is in need of funding to improve the aforementioned fac tors which are negatively affect the purpose of the museum. The lack of advertising is preventing the museum from attracting more visitors and funding thus negatively affecting the purpose of the museum. Many people are unaware of the existence of the museum which prevents them from tour it. If people are not going to the museum, this means that they will not have the opportunity to learn about geography from the museum. For example, monthly lectures that are held in the debate room always have low attendance. Furthermore, poor advertising is preventing funding an important factor to any non-profit scientific organization which rely chiefly on government grants and donations. An increase in funding can be used to finance many aspects of the museum, including advertising, in order to improve the study of geography in Egypt. However, the small amount of visitors makes philanthropists and the government less interested in giving funds. Consequently, the Society is financially unable to advertise and thus cannot improve the study of geography in Egypt. Hiring an advertising agency to begin a campaign is necessary. Advertising through television, billboards, flyers and even emails will help attract more visitors and researchers as well as attention from government and thus help the museum in achieving its purpose of improving the study of geography in Egypt.The lack of organization is preventing the National Geographic Society from fully achieving its purpose as it makes it harder on visitors and researchers to find the specific items they are looking for.

Essay --

Question 1Opening a new restaurant required many closes. Pricing strategy is one of the rattling ones that could make or break the restaurant. I would recommend the combination of value determine and competitive pricing for the new restaurant. Value pricing strategy is to use up the price to communicate the restaurants position, reflect the bundle benefits offered while competitive pricing gives the restaurant a competitive edge among the existing restaurants in the neighborhood. Ideally, the restaurants pricing should be high enough to place itself into the fine dinning categories in customers minds, but also competitive enough to attract customers from competitors. The decision for choosing these strategies is based on the following reasons. First of all, Center City Philadelphia is an up rising neighborhood that is home of many young professionals. This location offers the ideal commercialize segment for the restaurant the customers who are willing to spend extra bulks for b etter experience. Value pricing, in this situation, can be seen as prestige pricing. Prestige pricing plays on customers psychology principles of attaching woodland with high price. Pricing the menu high, along with the innovative and modern look will easily sick the restaurant into a good position. The key point of having value pricing is the actual value going along with the product. The restaurant has to make certainly the nutrient and service live up to the customer expectation. They should make sure the ingredients are fresh and the foods are flavorful. Having their supply delivered from local farms is a good strategy for quality ingredients with reasonable price. That is also a socially conscious effort by supporting local businesses and farms and building a long... ...arefully allocate our money and make sure we make a sustainable plan to expand but not affecting our current services. Other factor to consider is competition from other providers in the market. We need to be up to date, sensitive competitors move and flexible to adjust and deal with any changes. Its better to be proactive than be labile after the fact. Company customer base and loyalty is also a factor to be considered. Customers in cable industry are not in any case attached to the service provider but they tend to avoid the inconvenience of switching carrier. We need to put customer satisfaction our priority and make it daily for them to switch over our company. Government rules and regulations are things we also need to be mindful of. Change in regulation can have either irresponsible or negative impact on the company, and we stay alert to make any move accordingly.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Social Security :: American Government, Social Security Deficit

In the past decades, Social Security Administration has had annual revenue that excesses the amount it pays to beneficiaries. However, U.S. economy incident has created a long-term effect in many of the public organizations and departments. Social Security Administration is one of many departments that go away face some economy issues during U.S. economy rec overy. Social security will post nearly $600 billion in deficits over the next decade as the economy struggles to recover and millions of mess up boomers stand at the brink of retirement, according to new congressional projections, (Ohlemancher, 2011). The funds that Social Security has save to payout their beneficiaries have an expiration date. In the upcoming geezerhood more people will be eligible for retirement, however, many of them will only be pay 78 percent of their benefits, (Ohlemancher, 2011). The government needs to hear solutions for the upcoming deficits and be able to help Social Security Administration to n o run out of funds.Issues In 2011, Social security administration will collect about 4.6 million retirement, survivor, and Medic atomic number 18 claims. 3.3 million Social Security and SSI claims and 326,000 SSI aged claims, (Social Security, 2011). These claims have to go to procedures that can take months to be approval. During these procedures, many more applicants are eligible to apply for social security and more specie is pay to beneficiaries. In 2011, social security will collect $45 million little in payroll that it pays out in retirement, deadening and survivor benefits, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, (Ohlemacher, 2011).54 million people receive retirement, disability or survivor benefits with an average payment of $1,076 a month, (Ohlemacher, 2011). Social Security Administration has being able to save and invest taxpayers money into U.S. Treasury department. The money save into U.S. treasury department accumulates engagement for future Social Security beneficiaries. Social Security has built up $2.5 trillion surplus since the retirement chopine was last overhauled in the 1980s, (Ohlemacher, 2011) The money that Social Security invested in the treasury department is no physically available for social security beneficiaries. The $2.5 trillion has been borrowed over the years by the federal government and spent on other programs. In a promised to pay off the surpluses Treasury department has issued bonds to Social Security, Guaranteeing payments with interest (Ohlemacher, 2011). If the situation gets worst for social security and asks federal government to pay off, theres no way that social security will reach the money because theres no federal funds to pay off the debts to Social Security.

Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Witches Role :: Macbeth essays

        In Shakespeares time, many people were superstitious they believedthat that their lives were strongly influenced, if not dictated by fate.  Theyalso thought that the world was full of elfin creatures, such as witches,ghosts, and many other such beings.  Shakespeare incorporated these aspects ofbelief in his play Mac Beth.  The witches, although accurately predicting whatwould occur, i.e., Mac Beth would be king, they did not limn how theirprophecies would be realized.        The witches did possess some sort of power (unless they were privy tosome political information which MacBeth was not aware of), otherwise, how couldthey have known that MacBeth had been appointed Thane of Cawdor?  Of course, at once MacBeth, who, living in such a society, was superstitious, is presentedwith Cawdors title, he believes that the other prediction, namely his kingship,must come true.  Banquo notes the danger inheren t in believing (and subsequentlyperforming on) the witches predictions he says, Were such things here as we dospeak about?/Or have we eaten on the insane root/That takes the reasonprisoner?  puzzle out I, scene 3, ll.83-85.         MacBeth is quite overwhelmed when he hears that he is now the Thane ofCawdor.  However, al nearly immediately, he starts thinking about how to bringabout his rule as king.         Aside deuce truths are told,        As happy prologues to the swelling act        Of the imperial theme.I thank you, gentlemen.        Aside This supernatural soliciting        Cannot be ill, cannot be good.  If ill,        Why hath it given me intent of success,        Commencing in a truth?  I am the thane of Cawdor.         If good, why do I yield to that suggestion        Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair        And make my sit down heart knock at my ribs,        Against the use of nature?  Present fears        Are less than horrible imaginings        My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,        Shakes so my single differentiate of man that function        Is smothered in surmise and nothing is        But what is not.  (1.3.127-141)         MacBeth seems to be fantasizing about having a direct role in Duncansdownfall.  He patently believes that the only way to make the witchespredictions come about, is to act on his urges (although he attained the titleof Cawdor without any extraneous effort). &n bsp       A wife has a tumescent influence on her husbands thinking.  Lady MacBethtries to persuade MacBeth to murder Duncan.  Throughout Act I, scene 5, thereare many speeches in which she tries to convince him.  However, the monologuemost relevant to my theme is Lady MacBeths first speech

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Argumentative Speech on Baseball Contraction -- essays research papers

Baseball abridgment will only hurt the GameI. IntroductionA.Baseball is the American agoneime and has been play for over one hundred twenty-five old age.B.It is an organization that has teams in both the United States and Canada and it also boasts players from countries all over the world.C.It is also a league that has been criticized for giving its players absurd contracts deserving hundreds of millions of dollars.Internal Preview--Major confederation Baseball is a multi-billion dollar organization with aristocrat billionaire owners and the most powerful union organization ever in the Major partnership Baseball Players Association.II. lineA.Major League Baseball owners have voted to contract the league and disband 2 of the 30 teams in the league before coterminous season. B.The owners claim that it would not be profitable to keep playing baseball in Montreal and Minnesota.C.25 baseball players from each team will lose their jobs, exclusively other teams in the league will pick them up. D.The people this really hurts are the people behind the scenes the administrative employees, the hot dog vendor, the ticket window lady, the beer man, the hundreds of baseball players in these teams minor league programs. Internal Summary--Hundreds of people who have been loyal workers to these teams for years will soon be unemployed.III. CauseA.Over the past few years inflation of player contracts has made it hard for the smaller market teams to play competitively w... Argumentative Speech on Baseball Contraction -- essays research papers Baseball Contraction will only hurt the GameI. IntroductionA.Baseball is the American pastime and has been played for over 125 years.B.It is an organization that has teams in both the United States and Canada and it also boasts players from countries all over the world.C.It is also a league that has been criticized for giving its players absurd contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars.Internal Preview--Major League Baseball is a multi-billion dollar organization with aristocrat billionaire owners and the most powerful union organization ever in the Major League Baseball Players Association.II. ProblemA.Major League Baseball owners have voted to contract the league and disband 2 of the 30 teams in the league before next season. B.The owners claim that it would not be profitable to keep playing baseball in Montreal and Minnesota.C.25 baseball players from each team will lose their jobs, but other teams in the league will pick them up. D.The people this really hurts are the people behind the scenes the administrative employees, the hot dog vendor, the ticket window lady, the beer man, the hundreds of baseball players in these teams minor league programs. Internal Summary--Hundreds of people who have been loyal workers to these teams for years will soon be unemployed.III. CauseA.Over the past few years inflation of player contracts has made it hard for the smaller market teams to play comp etitively w...

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Way of Life Essay

Cell phones have become one of the most influential devices in todays society. People have become so dependent on cellphone phones they do not like to let them leave their presence because of anxiety that they might miss a bid or text message. This essay will explore some of the incontrovertible and negative effects of cell phones with calling, texting and pictures. The first positive effects of cell phones atomic number 18 calling. some(prenominal) employers will supply their employees with cell phones for business use. Salesman and drivers use them to contact customers for orders and deliveries.Customers crapper reach the drivers or salesman if there is a problem with their orders or have a complaint. Salesman can call and full point on a customer at any time. Employers can call and check on the drivers and salesman for any reason. Parents can check on their kids. Kids can call their parents anytime and anywhere to let them know of their wellbeing. Cell phones are extremely useful to have when a mortal is driving alone. somebody may need assistance if they get stranded. If there is a car accident and need to call for help.Emergency personnel can respond quickly to an accident. On the other hand, the negative effect of calling is driving while talking on the phone. Can be extremely distracting paying attention to the road. tryout the phone ring when a person is driving and try reaching for the phone can cause swerving all over the road or even an accident. The second positive effect is texting. Texting is an excellent port to communicate with someone without talking over the phone. Text messages can be sent to more(prenominal) than one person at a time.Schools like to send text messages to parents to remind and give information that they may need to be informed closely their child. Companies like to send text reminders of payments due dates or compelling offers they might have. Meanwhile the negative effect of texting, while driving is extremely d istracting because a person pays more attention to the cell phone than the surroundings around them and the road. Drivers texting may not always see a car or person in front of them and can either have an accident or hit a person walking.People walking and texting at the very(prenominal) time do not always watch where they are going. They can walk into walls, cars, other things and end up getting hurt. Texting can also be distracting while people are working. Kids do not pay much attention in class if they worry about receiving a text or responding to one. Teenagers can use texting as a way of bullying others. The third positive effect is sending pictures. Taking pictures with cell phones is a terrific way of sharing photos by sending them to family and friends.Customers taking pictures and sending it to the salesman can help explain what they need or what product they are trying to find. The picture can give the salesman information they need to help the customer. The negative eff ect taking inappropriate pictures can lead to bullying and other unfortunate circumstances. In conclusion, cell phones are perfect for keeping in touch with family and friends. I send pictures of my kids to family and friends that are out of town all the time.So they are a sidetrack of what is going on in our lives. I am always calling and checking on my kids. I text them when they do not answer a call from me. My kids like most teenagers prefer to text message you then talk on the phone. Cell phones in general can have a positive and negative effect on everyone. When I am driving, I use my Bluetooth or I let it go to voicemail. Texting is not that crucial when people are driving. We all can call or text after we get to where we are going.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Advantage of Mobile Phone Essay

For some(prenominal) people, its ? convenient way to communicate. Many parents provide their children with ll-?h?nes for safety reasons. ll-?h?nes have some disadvantages as well. Cellular bids have impacted society. They have left an ever-lasting impression on our culture. In this paper the Advantage and Disadvantage of ll-?h?nes have been discussed. Advantages ll-?h?nes have three principal advantages. ll-?h?nes have make communication easier. In profit, ll-?h?nes provide their users with extra devices in addition to telephone.At last, ll-?h?nes can provide safety for their users. ll-?h?nes have become accepted in the last fifadolescent years because they have made communication easier. People can call each other no matter where they are. Fifteen years ago, there was no way to call someone who had no access to ? conventional telephone. Additionally, the technology which is provided with ll-?h?nes has made life easier. ll-?h?nes are not only telephones they can also include cale ndars, cameras, scare clocks, and other devices to make life easier. The in style(p) ll- ?h?nes can even be used as ? pocket computer.Last but not least, many parents provide their children with ll-?h?nes for safety reasons. The speed dial up option in ll-?h?nes lets people make contact with emergency numbers by pressing one button. For many parents, ? ll-?h?ne is ? convenient way to make out in section with their children. Disadvantages The use of ll-?h?nes has been proven to be ? macroscopic distraction. There are car accidents occurring everywhere due to the lack of attentiveness of drivers. Parents now think that its better to buy ll-?h?nes for their new teen drivers for emergencies, but do you really think that they are used for those only?And since ll-?h?nes are so fabulous, then why do you always get ? busy, roaming signal and cause you to keep redialing ? number till you finally get through to that person? After all that trouble you are normally bothered and frustrate d. Things like these can created accidents and even death. The possibility of brain tumors is also increasing with the use of cellular phones. Radiation is enormously hazardous to ll-?h?ne users. The more than(prenominal) cell phone uses, the greater chances become for brain cancer. When ll-?h?nes first came out, people purchased them in case of emergencies.Now, people bring their ll-?h?nes everyplace they go and use them for pleasure, not essentially for purpose. As convenient as ll-?h?nes may seem, there is more to it. Conscientiousness must be taken more sincerely and people need to be more aware of the risks that are involved in purchasing and using ? cellular phone. FREE ESSAY It is for a fact that having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of a necessity and it is an inevitable truth that mobile exertion is taking everyone by a storm. From the very basic thing of making a call to texting, and now cyberspace access for just a touch of your finger tips.Do you have one of th ese? or do you know somebody who enjoys having such stuff? I do have one of those in like manner and I wont deny the fact that I enjoys using them. So as one of the million subscriber of this technology I will share you some of the advantages and disadvantages I found, out of having a mobile phone. First here are some advantages of having it It keeps you in constant contact with people you consider measurable It can help you seek help immediately during emergency cases Its a sense of being financially uplifted.Through mobile phones you can lessen your boredom,example get wind to your favorite music and as well as watching movies through downloading. It can take photos Mobile phones also gives us easier access on the internet You can carry it anywhere It has a lot of useful function like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator. No doubt, our mobile phones makes our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has its equal negative side and mobil e phones are not so especial to be exempted. Here are some disadvantages of having it ExpensivePeople spend less time bonding with there family and friends People just contact through phone and became too lazy meeting outside Disturb us on our works and studies People spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model Affects our body because of radiation it produces Easily broken mobile phone makes it easier to invade privacy In the end, I hope you can weigh the advantages and the disadvantages I have mentioned to help you use your mobile phone in a responsible manner. We humans created mobile phones and it is all up to our control

Friday, May 24, 2019

From Determinism to Cognitive Theory

From Deterministic Behaviorism to Cognitive Theory An Evolutionary Trail Alesia G. McDaniel University of the Rockies countermand The Behaviorist speculation, introduced by Pavlov and popularized by Watson and Skinner is discussed based on its roots in the philosophy of determinism which maintains that tot both(a)y demeanor is the result of a specific causal agent. The theory of evolution and the consequential nature-nurture debate following contributes to the search for the meaning of behavior.A relationship to present day behaviouristic psychological science theory and the test of cognitive behavioural theory with its branches of cognitive behavior therapy and neuroscience will be explored. An analysis of the similarities and differences between the two constructs in the field of psychology, leads to a discussion of how these theories are utilise in current psychological practice. Keywords Determinism, Behaviorism, Cognitive Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology From Dete rminism to Cognitive Theory An Evolutionary Trail The history of psychology is informative.It began 100 years ag genius with an introspective search for mind (Skinner, 1990) that came from philosophy and metaphysics. A philosophical principle called determinism appears to serve as a root for what later became behaviorism. This paper will draw an evolutionary trail. Beginning at the sea of determinism and crossing the plains of evolution, through the jungle of experimental psychology to find the path leading to the oasis of explanation of behaviorism where after a short rest, the trail winds around the curve of cognitive theory ending at a fork in the road.At this point, one path leads to current cognitive therapy practice and the other to current applications of behaviorism. The Sea of Determinism Determinism emerges as the explanation of a principle of physics called cause and effect which asserts that all behavior is the result of some cause (Bargh, 2000). Causation comes as a di rect result of purpose or reason. No event is uncaused and all events are of necessity. Philosophy tends to use introspection to manakin out concepts of how the mind interacts with the body.Introspection was rejected by the experimental psychologists. The Plains of Evolution Behaviorism is the idea that all behavior can be traced to specific causes either environmental or reflexive. Thompson (1994) states that behavior of the organism as a whole is the product of three types of sport and selection and that natural selection is the first type. It is responsible for the evolution of the species and hence for species behavior. The Jungle of Experimental PsychologyWatson attacked introspection in his behaviorist manifesto of 1913, and for that or other reasons, introspection was essentially abandoned (Bargh, 2000). Behaviorists came out of structuralism and functionalism as a protest of the mentalism that guided the careers of Wundt and Titchener. Experimental psychologists hoped to i solate compounds of images, feelings and sensations in a mien that they could measure them and us the measurements to predict the cause of gentle behavior (Bargh, 2000). It was hoped that these elements could be organized into a type of table as is used in physics.The trouble of experimental psychologists to isolate behavior in this manner gave rise to Behaviorist theory. An Oasis Behaviorism Pavlovs conditioned reflex formed the basis of Watsons behaviorism (Thompson, 1994) B. F. Skinner and John Watson developed nurture focused determinism with in two models of behavioral conditioning (Bargh, 2000). B. F. Skinner is known for development of Operant teach which differed from Watsons version by addition of operation procedures in addition to the CS and the UCS in his S-R model.Operant conditioning addressed the causality of human behavior and as such involved specification of how stimuli, responses, reinforcers, and drive states are woven into relationships that change and sust ain an organisms behavior (Herrnstein, 1977). This method had some limitations that contributed to the rise of cognitive theory as the answer to the question of why humans behave as they do. This process lacked objectivity to sustain its vision and goals. Psychological use up without consideration of innate process in unproductive.It is missing a significant variable. Behaviorism came about as a reaction to the subjectivity and unreliability of methods used in experimental psychology and strove to provide a mechanical account of human behavior (Bargh, 2000). It was based on the physiological concept of reflex as a result of external stimulation. The S-R unit was seen as the basic building block of human behavior with no theoretical base. There isnt both empirical evidence to prove its actual existence.As long as the S-R units of the behaviorist experiments remained contained in labs and boxes, it proved successful, but when taken to higher level processes such as language and soc ial interaction, the S-R unit was no longer plausible. It was thought that what was discovered in the lab with pigeons and rats was transferrable to human behavior outside the lab. The misfortune of behaviorisms model to explain higher mental processes of language acquisition, social interaction, memory, and judgment led to cognitive theory to find the missing association (Bargh, 2000).The Curve of Cognitive Theory Behavioral theory exposed the rudimentary or first principles of human behavior from which cognitive therapy evolved. Behaviorism denied internal touch on and focusing only on external stimuli leaves much to be desired. The behaviorist held to the idea that the mediating internal constructs and processes hinder achieving the results of the assumption that human behavior can be explained by nurture focused determinism (Bargh, 2000).An integration of cognitive and dynamic psychology to understand all processes that cause behavior is needed. Cognitive theory focuses on th e internal processing of external events as the cause of behavior and as such relates to determinism. Perhaps behaviorism failed to completely answer the questions of causality of human behavior because it denied that ken plays a role, with consciousness, representing those processes that motivate behavior internally. Perception, interpretation, memory, judgment, evaluation, and goal pursuit all serve to cause behavior.Maybe behaviorists were trying to disprove religious teachings of their time and the belief that divinity or the Devil had something to do with behavior. They were not willing to deal with what they did not know how to measure. As cognitive science picked up where Behaviorism left off, psychology begins to unravel a process by which an understanding of how the internal processes of the human mind work in combination with individual differences in consciousness and how that influences and directs human behavior.The Fork in the Road Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Curr ent Behaviorism Applied Cognitive behavior theory and behaviorism theory translated to cognitive-behavioral therapy currently helps practitioners to flesh out the root causality of problematic behavior with their clients. An understanding of why we do, what we do or, what thinking leads to certain behaviors is crucial to eradication of self-destructive behavior as well as restoration and growth after experiencing trauma or victimization. Applications of these theories have contributed to advances in treatment of addiction and trauma.The practices of psychotherapy and medication therapy have similarly benefited from advances in this area. The End of the Trail? The trail began seeing behavior as the effect of a cause. It continues to evolve from the present path of thinking processes being the cause of behavior. Experimental psychology, behaviorism blazed new trails toward the manifest destiny that is the mind. As new trails are being blazed to understand how thought is related to be havior the evolution continues. . References Bargh, J. A. (2000). beyond behaviorism On the automaticity of higher mental processes.Psychological Bulletin,126(6), 925-945. doi10. 1037/0033-2909. 126. 6. 925. Goodwin, C. (2008). A history of modern psychology, 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ Wiley Herrnstein, R. J. (1977). The evolution of behaviorism. American Psychologist, 32(8), 593-603. doi10. 1037/0003-066X. 32. 8. 593 Skinner, B. F. (1990). fag end psychology be a science of mind? American Psychologist, 45(11), 1206-1210. doi10. 1037/0003-066X. 45. 11. 1206 Thompson, R. F. (1994). Behaviorism and neuroscience. Psychological Review, 101(2), 259-265. doi10. 1037/0033-295X. 101. 2. 259

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Perspectives on play: learning for life Essay

This paper illustrates in detail how learning can be achieved by means of frivol. Depth research has been carried out on the correlation coefficient mingled with play and its po teaseive benefits on early childhood learning, growth and development. Through this research it has been established that there is a positive connection between creative language and play and the social development of a child. Play has emotional benefits on a child such as enjoyment, relaxation, and fun, love of livelihood, tightness reduction and self construction. Developmental benefits of play include cognitive development where imagination, creativity, problem solving, mastery of concepts and perspective taking improves. Socially the child grows which can be seen finished co-operation, sharing, turn-taking, and conflict resolution and leadership skills development. The language of the kid in addition develops that is in terms of communication skills, vocabulary and narration (Brock 2009 p.6-7)In t his issue to found out the details pretty clear, sharp in-depth run across at two chapters has been done, the first chapter being Authoring books, plays and identities in make-up workshops. Key practice Approximated piece of writing. The first chapter besides involves the sub-topic discourse of creative expression (Gordon 2009 p.23). The second chapter to look at is the Toy as Identity texts, children as consumers and players. The first chapter mostly handles introduction to writing where kids atomic number 18 taken by a workshop where they mainly engage in writing. The climax of it is when the kid finally authors a book and has a chance to sit on the authors chair and read the book to the class and to be admired and questioned at the give the axe of the writing workshop. The rationale behind choosing this chapter on developing writing is that written communication is a very discern skill in life and everyone should have it as a priority developing the skill and beseeming an expert in communicating really well through writing. It is thus a privilege and great pleasure learning how a kid or an individual at large develops this skill and to a fault to reflect and see how probably people did begin at it or ought to begin (Gordon 2009 p.25)Approximated writing is the key arguments in this chapter which symbolizes or represents a range of ways in which children can deliberate within their inner self between their personally invented forms of language ca white plague and the culturally determined rules for language. Approximated writing is close to the real writing language which embraces errors, incorrect spellings. It is utilise by children to formulate meaningful messages through their use of their uphill mastery of the language. In the writing workshop the kids initiated their own writing projects and as they wrote they designed and illustrated images and prints for puppet plays, pages for kids-printed books, cards to relatives and friends, storyboar ds and journals. Graphophonic conventions such as using alphabetic symbols resembling tuk to represent the word took, putting bigger spaces between words, placing marks on words and organizing them in a pattern argon very much use in this case. Authoring in the workshop happened when the kids wrote, drew, told and dramatized the texts they had written down. Finally in regard to authoring the kids connected texts for the kids-produced books that they presented to the others through reading aloud from the authors chair or even short plays that were acted for the class and videotaped (Marzollo 2011 p.39-40)A number of realizations came from these workshops or activity that was centered on kids literacy. The first one being that children are capable writers who are able to actively create and co-create meaning and such activities can be very instrumental in bringing out their literacy advancement this is so because it is in such that they are challenged to explore all genres of writte n communication and also get a chance to freely air their ideas through their conversations and writings (Elkind, 2009 p.46). The idea of getting a chance to sit on the authors chair, present the book to the class, to be questioned and admired at the end of the writing workshop motivated the kids to really come up with a well-illustrated book.Discourse of creative expression also happens in the conference where free expression of ideas and feelings in the workshop through routine or regular practices is done. The children are always encouraged to share their opinions with their peers and anything they feel the need to air during the workshop. This discourse of creative expression empowers autonomy in writing decisions during the workshop and clearly refers to the kids as a writer mostly because they have written their own creations (Guinagh 2009 p.32). The above billet is really different from a school situation which cannot really be called free expression because the kid is direc ted, monitored and controlled by the teacher on what to write about. The children also have the permission during the workshop to abandon the projects they were working on at their own discretion without permission from the teacher. In the case of a child also consulting with other children in the case of seeking their assistance and opinions also decides to change their projects and ignore the one they were doing or make revisions on it is still quite appropriate.The methodological analysis used in this chapter or writing workshop to teach the children how to write is something really great and enjoyable both for them and their instructor. The different number of plays that are used to teach them how to write and encourage them to pursue understanding the genres of written communication are very appropriate for them both for their easier understanding and to make it really interest to the children without boredom at all. Learning writing is presented in a very simplified way that m akes the child to want to do it again and again. The above writing activity or workshop further proves the point that learning happens very effectively through play (Silberg 2009 p.23).In the second chapter close attention is paying(a) to the chapter on Toy as Identity texts, children as consumers and players. First it is good to state that the rationale behind picking this chapter as the second one to look at to anyone it would mostly be out of curiosity to know and understand the following questions The reason why kids and toys are almost inseparable? How comes that children want to fade as much as possible time with their toys, which is the language that really exist if any between toys and kids? Dolls in line with toys are texts designed specifically to enable the children to recognise with ease the manner in which it can be used in a play. They are associated with popular children animated films and also video programs which encourage children to play certain character roles and familiar scripts. These toys act as texts calling forth for possible worlds which brings about certain character roles, dialogue and stories (Silberg 2009 p.31) Dolls in a way are used to communicate identity and expectations in and from the society, for example the text or identity of a cool girl is communicated through the dolls features such as its hairstyle, clothing and makeup. Popular dolls communicate decomposable such as concerning taste, social status, culture, roles and position in society and taste. This complex message requires the reader in this case the children to coordinate these messages and understand them (Tizard 2010 p. 55)The methodology of using toys and dolls to communicate certain texts to the children and ensure that they learn something sounds quite funny. It is after reflect about this manner of using play to teach or facilitate learning to the very young ones that a person will come to the deduction that it is one of the most amazing ways of learn ing through play which is really an awesome method. Kids are in a position to learn so much through toys and dolls without even their knowledge that they are learning and this knowledge sticks in their minds for the rest of their lives.As a wrap up this paper has make it clear through the above examples how learning is done through play. Therefore one would comfortably conclude that it is a matter of fact that children learn through play and exposure to plays enable them to develop their intellectual, social and emotional skills. Plays should thus be a part and parcel of a childs life so that the child may grow and develop holistically failure to which the development of the child will be hindered (Wood 2013 p.5). More and more learning and play ought to be embraced and others developed so as to ease learning especially amongst children who are easily bored and has low concentration ability and retention capacity of what they learn. The magnificence and value of learning through pl ay can therefore not be underestimated.ReferencesBrock, A. (2009). Perspectives on play learning for life. Harlow, England Pearson/Longman.Elkind, D. (2009). The power of play learning what comes naturally. Cambridge, Mass. Da Capo Lifelong .Gordon, I. J., Guinagh, B., & Jester, R. E. (2009). Child learning through child play learning activities for two and three year olds. New York St. Martins Press.Marzollo, J., & Lloyd, J. (2011). Learning through play (1st ed.). New York Harper & Row.Silberg, J. (2009). Learning games exploring the senses through play. Beltsville, Md. Gryphon House.Tizard, B., & Hughes, M. (2010). Young children learning (2nd ed.). Malden, MA Blackwell Pub..Tizard, B., & Hughes, M. (2010). Young children learning (2nd ed.). Malden, MA Blackwell Pub..Wood, E. (2013). Play, learning and the early childhood broadcast (3rd ed.). London SAGE.Source document

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Assessing a Underachieving Employee Essay

Executive SummaryThis is a short study about measuring an underachieving employee that I personally had to c everyplace with. It discusses the jobs that arose. I analysed them and so allot into topographic point a twosome of solutions.The most debatable work state of affairs that I personally encountered was with a work fellow who was a immature lady working at the Cooperative nutrient stem and she was underperforming. This relates to the constructs of book2. An debut to human resource didactics in concern. posing 4 Assessing and ontogenesis people at work. When my work co-worker foremost started workingat the Cooperative she was an first of all-class worker who gave 100 % all the clip. She had worked at the Cooperative for scarcely over two old ages and we were in the procedure of believing about advancing her from a client service helper to a supervisor. She started to do errors at the check-out procedure. our director noticed hard currency deficits. losing dealing paperwork and errors on the lottery and paypoint terminuss. As a supervisor my director asked me to supervise the state of affairs over a two hebdomad period and to compose down any errors or hard currency deficits and put the day of the months they happened so that our director could do work up ones mind what the pastime class of action would be.Measuring a Underachieving EmployeeThe analysis of the jobs that arose.I am utilizing constructs from book 2. An debut to human resource direction in concern. session 4. assessing and developing people at work. These errors that my work co-worker were doing could be go oning for a figure of grounds. She could be holding fiscal troubles so she has stolen the money that is wherefore there are hard currency deficits. neverthe little that does non explicate why the other errors have occurred on the lottery and paypoint terminuss and its rattling easy to leap to the incorrect decision when analyzing this. I believe the chief point to be about public presentation direction as it states in book 2. session 4. 1. public presentation direction ensuring that lag are motivated . I dont believe she is motivated any longer. as when she is at work she is stuck on a check-out procedure for really long periods of clip.There is no assortment in her occupation control to maintain her motivated. and to be absolutely honest when other members of staff are busy she does acquire forgotten approximately and if she does non inquire the other members of staff she would non even acquire her interruptions as they forget about her. Making the same liaison twenty-four hours in twenty-four hours and twenty-four hours out atomic number 50 go a spot humdrum. This is why her public presentation has started to endure as she feels deflated and demotivated. It is as though she has given up on this occupation and merely turns up because she has to and she needs the money. As it states in book 2. session 4. 2 Measuring public presentation the individual may miss way or be working to less than full capacity . Which in this instance I believe to be true. This will impact how the concern is run if non cover with as other members of staff could get down to make the same. Customers will non desire to shop at that place if the staff dont show an involvement. The criterions that were one time at that place will get down to drop ensuing in a negative impact on the concern.A solution to the jobs that occurredThe first thing I would make would be to put up a record of meetings with this work co-worker and our director. This is a treatment about what is go oning and it is recorded for future day mention. At this meeting I would discourse how we can travel frontward together as a squad. I would explicate to her the importance of her occupation function and how of import it is to acquire it right. I would put her little accomplishable marks to take for with wagess given when achieved. Arranging regular meetings is besides a good pattern this co uld be done as a public presentation assessment. As it states in book 2. session 4. 4. table 4. 2. it has the Opportunity to actuate staff by recognizing achievements . I believe this is what is unavoidable in this state of affairs. she needs to experience like a valued squad member. this would so give her the motive needed to make her occupation right and to her full capacity. the concern will so be more productive as it stated in book 2. session 4. 2 Assessing public presentation.I may so look into whether she would be interested in altering her occupation function a small. for illustration. stock refilling. and obstetrical delivery bringings in. look intoing day of the months on merchandises. that kind of thing. This would give her some assortment in her occupation and hopefully actuate her once more. This would necessitate more readying and cost the concern. withal if she is merely on the check-out procedures and non been monitored she is bing the concern money anyhow throug h the errors she is doing. Some of this preparation would be done externally. through preparation classs. nevertheless most of the preparation would be done by training. As it states in book 2. session 4. 6. Developing is non merely preparation classs. coaching a flair of reassigning cognition and accomplishment from a more experient individual to a less experient person . I think this is the best manner frontward for this work co-worker in this state of affairs.Research from the InternetI looked on the cyberspace and did some research to see how to develop underperformers at work. I found two the first 1 was Yourbusiness. azcentral. com. It fundamentally states that underperformers inhibit teamwork and lower morale of other staff members. It besides says you need to organize relationships with employees. so you can make a willingness to aid the person. It besides says to put incremental ends for the employee. What this web site was stating made sense. nevertheless Im non certain how dependable this radical is as it wants me to subscribe to them. The following 1 I looked at was World Wide Web. acas. org. uk. I found this website really interesting as it gives a full list of different signifiers that you can publish including appraisal signifiers. absence record sheets and tonss of information about how to pull off public presentation. I believe this to be a dependable beginning as this administration is devoted to forestalling and deciding employment issues. besides it wasnt seeking to sell me anything.Tutor group forumI peculiarly enjoyed the coach group forum activity 2. 1 Work Pleasure or Pain? It was nice that most people thought the same as me. in that they enjoyed their work. My husband hates work and neer understands how I can bask traveling to work. I wholly agreed with what Mark Pickering said in that work is a joy and that it allows me to accomplish my ends in life. while supplying for my household.MentionsBook 2 ( 2012 ) An debut to human res ource direction in business The Open University. Milton Keynes. Study fellow ( 2012 ) . The Open University. Milton Keynes.Yourbusiness. azcentral. com.World Wide Web. acas. org. United Kingdom

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Coursework The Great Experiment

Feynman leaned back in his expensive vintage leather chair brought all over from his home in Huston Texas. He knew it had been an indulgence even mildly pompous but he was about to solve the question of life and he reckon he could afford some indulgence. He looked over his left shoulder out through a huge custom built glass block out along the whole left wall of his office at his magnificent baby. This was no ordinary baby. His baby had taken 20 years and 4. 5 zillion dollars to come into life and yesterday it had.It had been with great pride that he had finally thrown the switch that had started its triming life. A lot of critics and flat earthers had expressed orphic set opposition to the worlds greatest and most expensive test. But Feynman himself had no doubts whatsoever he had won a Nobel Prize for the theory behind the experiment and had managed its construction from the start. If there was a problem he would have known and he had every confidence in not only his own wor k but also the combined intellect of thousands of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.The project had attracted the crime de la crime of the worlds best. He looked again through his panoramic glass wall at the machine itself, In fact he was only looking at one critical part of the machine. Alice was the name given to the huge Atlas sensor that was the heart of the machine and the project. Its purpose was nothing less than to answer the question why do we have mass? It would finally prove there was no God. The only God Feynman believed in was Physics and higher maths. His 46 meter seven thousand ton Alice was to him a beautiful construction.The collider itself of which Alice was merely only a part stretched out over 26 kilometres running in a circle underneath the border between Switzerland and France at a depth of coke meters. Like a giant hidden crop circle the machine was the biggest of its kind anywhere in the world. The complexity of the machine was incredible, millions of wires each vital stretched into the distance, thousands of components melded unneurotic in this creation of all creations. But it was mans creation, Feynmans creation. His very own version of intelligent design. The concept that the creationists had for so long held onto.Feynman looked down at the first entropy reserved for his eyes only. He was the only man that knew , he would have to tell them. His heart rate quickened, he began to sweat, he began to feel a upgrade bile, he began to realise what he had done, what they had done. There had always been a theoretical possibility of course but it always had seemed so ridiculous. The maths just didnt work. Feynman and his police squad had laughed about it over the years but it was no laughing matter now. The popular press had called their search, the search for the God particle.They had found that sure enough. But it was no loving God, this god wasnt going to solve our problems, answer our questions offer an everlasting afterlif e. Feynman knew the detailed subatomic black hole would grow from something so small, so infinitesimally tiny it couldnt be seen with a microscope to something that, in time would devour everything. Every forest, every house, every school, man woman and child would all go. Every particle that do this world this existence, this life would go. Not now, not tomorrow but in time and it was starting now. He had to tell them.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Chemistry investigation Essay

Aim I am going to carry out an investigation measuring the invest of answer between hydrochloric venereal disease and atomic number 12. The unconditional changeable give be the molar of the hydrochloric unpleasant I leave behind be diluting it with weewee to swop the closeness. The bloodsucking variable could be one of four things Temperature change, Mass loss, Gas produced employ a burette or gas produced using a gas spray. The dependent variable of the primary experiment go forth be decided once I create performed four preliminary experiments each with the opposite dependent variables. The results of these preliminaries testament help me determine which factor is the most straight to measure.Background Information As I am planning to investigate the rate of reaction by changing the concentration of the acid I should take into consideration how the reaction is affected by concentration.If there is more of a center of attention in a system, there is a great chan ce that molecules will collide and speed up the rate of the reaction. If there is less of something, there will be few collisions and the reaction will probably sink at a slower speed.As you ontogenesis the concentration of the acid, there are more acid particles in the same volume. Therefore there is a greater chance of acid particles colliding, and reacting, with particles on the issue area of the milligram ribbon.Here is an example of how the rate of reaction will increase if the concentration gets high(prenominal)image00.pngWith this in mind it is clear to see that as I decrease the concentrate of the acid by agreeing irrigate to it I will be decreasing the rate of reaction. There is a positive correlation between the two variables.The experiment equation that will effectively happen isatomic number 12 + HYDROCHLORIC ACID MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE + HYDROGENMg + 2HCl - MgCl2 + H2 milligram Magnesium is a light, sil genuinely- gabardine, and fairly tough metal. It tarnishes sl ightly in air, and very well divided atomic number 12 readily ignites upon take fireing in air and burns with a dazzling white flame. Because serious fires piece of ass occur, great care should be taken in handling magnesium metal, speci eithery in the finely divided state. Water should non be apply on burning magnesium or on magnesium fires.Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid is the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl). It is a strong acid, the major component of gastric acid, and of ample industrial use. Hydrochloric acid must be handled with allow for base hit precautions because it is a highly corrosive liquid.Hydrogen when mixed with oxygen across a wide range of proportions, hydrogen explodes upon ignition. Hydrogen burns violently in air. It ignites automatically at a temperature of 560. another(prenominal) characteristic of hydrogen fires is that the flames tend to ascend rapidly with the gas in air.Magnesium chloride this is the name for the chemical c ompounds with the formulas MgCl2 and its variant hydrates MgCl2 (H2O) x. These salts are typical ionic halides, being highly soluble in water. The hydrated magnesium chloride can be extracted from brine or sea water. Anhydrous magnesium chloride is the principal precursor to magnesium metal, which is produced on a large scale.Preliminary experimentsMethod In this preliminary experiment I need not to alter anything but to check how the temperature increased within the term of the reaction. I used 10ml of hydrochloric acid and 3cm of magnesium ribbon. I carried out three repeat measurements to gain an idea of what the results would look like if compared. military rank of Preliminary MethodsEach of the experiments above has limitations that strongly influenced the results. This has given me an idea of what degree of accuracy each mode can be measured to and if they are suitable to collect data for the primary experiment.Temperature Measuring the temperature is a simple way of see ing where the rate of reaction begins, peaks and ends. It is a clear indication to how the magnesium reacts and at what temperature. There are, however, some inaccuracies to the formation of the set up. Some of the thermal energy detected by the thermometer is sometimes transferred into the glass of the conical flask which led to an inaccurate reading. Furthermore the thermometer is slow to respond to the rise in temperature and also only gives reading in whole numbers so slight elevations in heat are difficult to read and thus inaccurate.Mass Loss Measuring the mass at different points in the experiment provides markers to see how much magnesium and hydrochloric acid has been reacted. The electric scale I used was too sensitive to get a general reading this affected the results severely. The mass would sometimes increase during the reaction due to a small piece of debris getting onto the scale or because a gust or air consequentially the results were askew.Gas Produced using a bure tte This is a very good way of measuring the rate of reaction. The measurements are clear and can be recorded to a decimal place which makes the results very accurate. There are some limitations, however, to using a burette. When the gas is produced it takes time for the hydrogen to get off along through the tube and up into the burette. This extends the time of the reaction slightly because not all the gas has been collected which the magnesium has been dissolved. Furthermore some amount of hydrogen have escape the burette and simply floated to the surface of the water not being accounted for. This is a small inaccuracy but can still alter the results.Gas Produced using a gas syringe This is a very accurate piece of equipment. It does not allow for gas to escape and records the data coherently and with speed. The only limitations in using a gas syringe are that the reading can only be reading in whole numbers and that the syringe sometimes collects water vapour as well. The water vapour, however, can be eliminating by adding an extra conical flask to the tube which collects the vapour as it is slightly cooler.The gas syringe is the most advanced piece of equipment in each of the preliminary methods and also is the most accurate in recording the data. Therefore to calculate the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid my dependent variable will be the gas produced using a gas syringe.Hypothesis Now that I have determined what I am going to measure and how I can now make my prediction over what I think will be the final outcome of the experiment.Rate of reactions are all based on the collision theory. This states that the more collisions in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will occur. As a result of this the reaction will accelerate, and the rate of that reaction will increase. The concentration of a substance will raise the number of collisions and thusly speed up the rate of reaction.On this basis I believe that if the mo lar of the hydrochloric acid is decreased there will be less gas produced and so the rate of reaction will slow. Here is a drawimage07.pngWe can see in the manakin above that if the molar is halved then there are fewer particles in the water so fewer collisions can happen. The gas produced will therefore be reduced and the overall time of the reaction will decrease.VariablesVariable controlledHow it is controlledWhy it is controlledConcentration of MagnesiumBy measuring out a 3cm piece of magnesium each time I take a repeat measurement.I am measuring the concentration of the hydrochloric acid not the magnesium.Concentration of Hydrochloric acidI will start with 10ml of hydrochloric acid and replace 2ml of it with water every time I want to reduce the concentration.I want to observe what effect it will have on the rate of reaction.Water VapourAdding an extra, cooler conical flask to collect the water vapour.I am measuring the gas produced between hydrochloric acid and magnesium wat er vapour is not a product.TemperatureBy putting the flasks in a thermostatically controlled water bath for 5 proceeding before each experiment.I am measuring the concentration and do not want the higher temperature to give the particle more energy to collide.Apparatus500ml conical flasks- To hold the magnesium and hydrochloric acid reaction and to collect the water vapour.Conical flask bung (with hole for tubing) To allow for gas only to travel through the tubing.Glass tubing- To direct the flow of gas.100 ml gas syringes- To measure the gas produced. return stand- To hold the gas syringe.Clamp- This is attached to the retort stand.50 ml measuring cylinder- To measuring the hydrochloric acid accuratelystop-clock- To measure the time of the reaction10ml of Hydrochloric Acid plus varying amounts of water- To measure the concentration of the acidMagnesium ribbon (3cm per experiment) To react with the acid.Ruler and scissor grip To measure and cut the magnesium ribbon.image08.pngHe re is a diagramOther apparatus image10.pngimage09.pngimage11.pngimage02.pngimage03.pngObtaining precise and reliable resultsMy experimental design permits me to take very accurate measurement however, the only fault in its design is that the syringe only measures in whole numbers. This should not find as a problem because I will take lots of reading to compensate. I will then find the mean of easy set of results so that I can compare them accurately in addition to this I will also take the range of the results which will allow me to observe whether they overlap.The limitations of my other apparatus are common. Although my stop can measure to a 10th of a indorse my reaction time will be a lot slower then this. The ruler and scissors should also be taken into consideration, measuring and cutting the magnesium could cause some variation. The measuring cylinder also has to be estimated to a rough degree when pouring the hydrochloric acid. All of these small inaccuracies can add up to a large error so I need to be very consistent so each result is rounded to the same degree of accuracy.Risk assessment during the practical various measures must be taken to cover the experiment is carried out safely. These measures are Always wear safety goggles (at all times) to ensure no chemicals make tactile sensation with eyes. Wear laboratory aprons to ensure there are no spillages onto clothing. Use a bench mat to stop spillages onto bench Avoid contact of acid on skin it is corrosive. If acid does touch skin it must be immediately rinse off. Hydrogen is explosive and so must not be exposed to a naked flame- ensure that Bunsen burners are nowhere near the apparatus during the experiment. Basic Laboratory Rules i.e. do not extend in labs, No food or drink allowed etc. No concentration of hydrochloric acid greater than 2 molar, anything larger is dangerous.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Character Developments: in Cold Blood

Character developing Techniques Truman capote used several techniques to develop the characterization of the killers in his book, In Cold Blood. But primarily, Truman Capote uses anecdotes to describe the characters of Dick and Perry. An anecdote being, a short and amusing or interesting story active a real incident or person. He does this by describing their child lives, and how they became who they are in the present.An guinea pig of how Capote described the character of Perry is He was seven years old, a hated, hating half-breed child vivacious in a California orphanage run by nuns- shrouded disciplinarians who whipped him for wetting his bed. Not only does he use anecdotes for describing Dick and Perrys puerility but also their problems they face in their present lives at the time. Such as Dicks sexual interests in younger girls, He was sorry he felt as he did about her, for his sexual interest in female children was a impuissance of which he was sincerely ashamed. Or w hen Capote quotes Perry about the murder of Mr. jumble, saying I didnt fatality to harm the man. I thought he was a very nice gentleman. Soft-spoken right up to the moment I cut his throat. This quote describes and confirms how Perry was insane during the murders that he committed. Capote uses this quote on purpose, because it describes how Perrys intention was not to hurt anyone but it was a simple act of taking his frustration upon the Clutter family. Meaning that his anger was not because of the Clutter family, they just ended up receiving the end of Perrys anger. In the story it seems as though the reader feels sympathetic towards the killers Dick and Perry.Truman Capote does this mostly by describing the childhood of the killers, and what they went through as children that made a major impact on them now. Perry however, is more sympathized than Dick. It seems as though Perry had a rougher upbringing than Dick did. For an example, when his sister sends him a letter of how dis appointed she and her father are in his decisions. Your present confinement is embarrassing to me as well as Dad not because of what you did but the position that you dont show me any signs of sincere regret and seem to show no respect for any laws, pot or anything. Even though Perry made horrible decisions in his life, reading parts of this letter, sympathy butt be a common emotion that the reader feels to see how much Perry was a disappointment to his family. Of hightail it another key factor Capote used to gain sympathy from the readers was by writing them in the killers point of view. This way, you know more about the killers and their upbringing, and it makes you wonder if they really knew what they were doing.

Letters to Friend Essay

My host family were consisting of the sr. lady thats name Peggy and she were hosting two students before we arrived there. Shes very kind women, Towards the middle of my bound vacation, We were looking for american high train for contiguous semester. But poor us, most of the schools got fully enrolled for next semester. So we tried to contact the rest of the schools that we knew from our friends, relatives or family. And fin exclusivelyy we found out that one of the school thats called The newman high school still opening for enroll next semester.Lucky us that Peggy utilise to be the principle of the language school before, so she suggested us a lots of stuffs to prepare. We have been expiration to the News burry street, Havard university as grand as I remembered. We know the best places for sight seeing. Where all the best rides , which park is the best. On day though while we were planning our next trip we headstrong that which days will we going back to EF. And we decided to stay in Boston for four more than days in the hotel.It was a wonderful experience that we went there, walking around the city with my friends having just a map in my rucksack. Even though my summer was loaded with activity, it still seemed like a long break. After spending so much time in Boston, chilling around, and attending a guitar competetion , I felt like I needed more vacation It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot . This trip gave me an unforgettable impression of Massachussets What about you ? Where did you go on your shrink vacation ? Please write soon Yours, Jay

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Indian Cheese Industry

Market compendium The Indian quit perseverance September 18 2010 This key out gives a grocery store study of the Indian tall mallow industry, key players and their market sh ars and strategies. It contains a study close the scope for issue in this field and a SWOT analysis of the same. Indian quit Industry INDEX Sr. No Topic Page No. 1. Overview 1 2. Market Size and development 1 3. secern Players 1 4. Analysis of Individual Players4. 1. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing league (GCMMF) 4. 2. Britannia freshly Zealand intellectual nourishments Private Ltd. Industries p artistryicular(a) (BNZF)4. . Dabon Inter guinea pig Private Limited4. 4. merchandise stop Market4. 5. Regional Players 33781011 5. SWOT Analysis of the Indian cease industry5. 1. Strengths5. 2. Weaknesses5. 3. Opportunities5. 4. Threats 1212131314 6. Market Segmentation 14 7. Trends in the Indian give up market 15 8. Observations 15 9. Summary 16 1o. signalise G everywherenment Cont acts 17 11. References 18 The Indian quit Industry 1. Overview still for the popular Indian variety of cottage give up-Paneer, India is not tradition every last(predicate)y a lay off nation.But, with the growing impregnation of cheese outgo in the West and encouraging successes in other non-cheese Asian countries inter transportable japan and China overseas cheese growrs are eyeing the Indian market for its vast promise. The coordinate cheese industry in India is at best in its nascent stage, accounting for less than 1% of total dairy farm production and largely limited to ur dismiss pulmonary tuberculosis. Though cheese was first of all marketed in India under the sword material body Amul, from the popular Amul butter stable in the late 1970s, it attained an identity of its own simply as late as 1990s. 2.Market Size and Growth rate The organized cheese industry in the country as of 2006, is valued at Rs 250 crore (US$ 50 million), with a volume of more than 8000 to nnes. The industry offshoot rate is estimated at nigh 10%-12% per division in terms of volume and 16%-17% per social class in value terms. Current ho usagehold cheese penetration is 5%, with about 50% of consumption macrocosm limited to cities. Mumbai and Delhi together capture half of the cheese market. Within cheese products, around 60% of the market is dominated by polished cheese, 30% by cheese bedcovers and the remaining 10% by flavoured and rarity cheese. .Key players The Indian cheese market is dominated by Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation that uses the shuffle name Amul and Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Limited, using the crack name Britannia MilkMan. Amul is way ahead of competition and owns about 60% of the market. Britannia has about a 25% share. Other players are Dabon International Private Limited, a totally owned subsidiary of the French dairy corporation Bongrain S. A and other regional scars standardised contract dairy farm and Vijaya . These companies bring a 10% market share.The remainder 5% of the market is taken by merchandise cheese brands, retailed in specialty stores. Table 1 The Indian cease Market Key players Brand(s) Estimated Share of Market (%) Amul 60 Britannia MilkMan 25 Le Bon, Regional brands e. g. perplex Dairy, Vijaya 10 Imported brands e. g. Kraft, express emotion Cow 5 Fig 1 Pie chart showing % market share of the major(ip) players 4. Analysis of individual players 4. 1. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) 4. 1. 1. Company Profile Amul is the leading brand name for products arrestd and marketed by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF).GCMMF is an apex body of draw co-operatives in Gujarat and tell the white revolution in India that turned the country from having a milk-deficit to the largest milk producer in the cosmea. GCMMF also markets milk powder and dairy bleaching agents under the Amulya and Sagar brand names. Amul is the oldest and the o r so established dairy brand in the country, with its first product, Amul butter, being marketed since 1946. Today, the company has its roots deep in the dairy market and is increasingly focusing on the value added segment that includes health drinks, cheese and dairy based desserts.Turnover in 2005-2006 was US$ 850 million with a year-on-year growth of 29%. 4. 1. 2. cheese Perspective Amul brands and markets itself as the largest vegetarian cheese producer in the world since all its cheese varieties are made from microbial rather than animal rennet. This immediately makes the brands cheese products favourable in a country with the most vegetarians in the world. Also, it sources its cheese form buffalo milk, which is popular in India. 4. 1. 3 harvest-tides The various products produced by Amul are shown in the table below.Table 2 stop Products by Amuls Cheese Product Description Maximum sell Price Amul Pasteurised Processed Cheese A cheddar cheese 400g Rs 86 1 kg Rs 163 Amul Che ese Spreads (in three flavours) Combination of cheddar cheese and soft cheese. 200g Rs 32 Amul Emmental Cheese Specialty Swiss cheese which is sweet, dry and has a hazelnut aroma 400g Rs cxx Amul Pizza Mozzarella Cheese For use in pizzas 200g Rs 43 Gouda Cheese Specialty Dutch cheese. Manufactured under a Swiss good collaboration in the North Eastern Himalayan bow of Sikkim. Amul chiplets Individually packed single act cheese cubes 200g Rs 50 Amul Malai Paneer Indian cottage cheese 100g Rs14200g Rs 26 1kg Rs 115 Amul cheese slices For sandwiched and burgers 100g Rs27 200g Rs52 Amul Pizza rimy pizzas Rs 30 Its cheese business grew at 18% in 2005-2006. GCMMF exports cheese to the tune of 600 tons, reservation it the largest cheese exporter in the country. The export market includes the Middle East, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States of America countries that dedicate a large Indian race, and the neighbouring countries of Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal.A very rewarding outline for Amul has been to also enter the cheese dependent food product category. It produces over 300,000 frozen pizzas (using mozzarella cheese), priced at a mere Rs 30 apiece. This has provided strong competition to international brands in the market which traditionally altogether sell pizzas at their retail outlets and at much higher prices. 4. 1. 4. Strategy As its product lists, GCMMF has capitalized on the value added segment with a wide range of Amul cheeses. The Amul brand represents value for money to the Indian consumer and its cheese portfolio is competitively priced and of assured quality.The company has been offensively marketing its cheese products, to the extent of even abject away from its umbrella brand strategy and introducing a freshly mascot, the Amul Cheese Boy. When low cost pizzas were introduced, GCMMF adopted an innovative and lucky strategy of increasing gross sales of an elitist product (cheese) by reducing the price of another(prenominal) elitis t product (pizzas). Especially since 2005, the company has focused on expanding its already strong statistical dispersal network to littler cities as cheese charter has rapidly expanded beyond the large metros. . 2. Britannia New Zealand Foods Private Ltd. Industries Limited (BNZF) 4. 2. 1. Company Profile BNZF is a joint venture company founded in 2002 by Britannia Industries Limited (BIL) and Fonterra Co-operative convention of New Zealand. The company focuses entirely on the dairy business, with cheese being its flagship product. The other products it sells are dairy whiteners, butter, ghee (Indian clarified butter) and a malt drink- Anlene. All products are marketed under the Britannia MilkMan brand.BIL (known as Britannia Biscuit company until 1979) has fundamentally been a biscuit company, that had humble beginnings in Calcutta in 1892. Its big break came during World War II when the Indian Government contracted it to supply biscuits to the armed forces and since then it be came a market leader in the biscuit segment. In 1954, the company also began producing and merchandising bread and it was as late as 1997, that it entered the dairy industry. In 2002, Forbes Global rated BIL as one of the top 200 scurvy companies of the world and as a strong and trusted brand in India.The Wadia aggroup of India along with Groupe Danone of France are equal shareholders in ABIL, UK which is a major shareholder in Britannia Industries Limited. Fonterra Cooperative Group is New Zealands largest company and amongst the ten largest dairy companies in the world. The dairy expertise and worldwide experience for the Joint Venture comes from Fonterra Cooperative while Britannias contribution is its brand name, large distribution network and the understanding of the Indian market. Like BIL, BNZF also comes under the umbrella of the Wadia Group of companies.Its turnover in 2005-2006 is US$ 24 million with about 50% coming from processed cheese, 30% from the dairy whitener an d the remaining 20% from butter and ghee sales. 4. 2. 2. Cheese Perspective BNZF sole(prenominal) sells in the processed cheese segment and has five variations of processed cheese in the market, besides a cheese inclination product. Over half of the companys revenues come from the processed cheese segment. BNZF cheese is priced at a premium in the market one reason being that the cheese is sourced from cows milk (unlike Amul that sources its cheese from buffalo milk). . 2. 3. Products Cheese cubes, Cheese singles (regular and Slim variants), Britannia Milkman Malai Chaska- a soft, fresh and creamy dairy rotate, which has a mild, tangy taste, Britannia cheese spread in different flavours like Masala Herbs, Spicy Cilantro, Peppy Pepper etc. , and Pizza cheese. 4. 2. 4. Strategy kinda than focusing on competitive pricing, BNZF has adopted a three-pronged strategy of Freshness (lower pipeline stock), Availability (improve distribution network) and Visibility (more ledge space at mod ern trade).At present, cheese products, contribute to around 50 % of the Rs 120 crore turnover of the dairy product company (which markets its products under the brand name Britannia Milkman) while its Diary whitener contributes to 30% and butter and ghee together account for 20 %. 4. 3. Dabon International Private Limited 4. 3. 1. Company profile Dabon International Private Limited is wholly owned by the French dairy major Bongrain SA. The company began as a joint venture with Dabur India in 1996, but in June 2005, Dabur exited from the business.The company said that they had decided to exit because cheese and milk products were a non-core business for them. Dabon is the only international cheese company to produce and sell cheese in the country, using the brand name Le Bon. It has a state of the art facility in Noida, near Delhi. Despite having made losses, the company has been in an expansion mode, offering a selection of processed cheese products. Adapting to Indian tastes, it has also recently introduced in Delhi and Mumbai, Indian cottage cheese with the brand name Le Paneer. Dabon markets its cheese to both the retail and institutional sector. . 3. 2. Cheese Perspective Dabon focuses on the processed cheese segment, provideing to both the retail and institutional markets. In the former, it has been targeting families and children (like the other brands) and in the latter(prenominal) category, it has standard and customized products for agile food chains, hotels, flight caterers and restaurants. Some of its institutional clients include Domino Pizza, Papa rear ends Pizza, Oberoi Flight Services and the Ambassador.Besides drawing on the international cheese portfolio of its parent Bongrain SA, Dabon has realized that to struggle, it has to cater to ethnic tastes. Le Paneer, the Indian cottage cheese variety was recently introduced as a brand in Delhi and Mumbai. 4. 3. 3. Products Table 3 Dabon Products for the Retail Sector Cheese Product Descriptio n Maximum Retail Price Le Bon Creamy n Sancky Cheese Portions A ready to eat snack, targeted at children. 6 portion pack 114g Rs 36 Single portion 19g Rs 6 Le Bon creamy Cheese spread (Bottled spread in two flavours rank(a) and Black pepper) Marketed as a low fat butter substitute, with 60% less fat than butter. Both flavours 200g-Rs 45 Le Bon Tasty Cheese Slices ( Two flavours Plain and Black pepper) A ready to eat snack, targeted at children Plain 170g- Rs 57 Black Pepper 170g- Rs 59 Le Bon Grate n Garnish Cheese A mild processed cheese for render and garnishing. Comes in 4 different pack sizes 100g Rs 24, 200g Rs 46, 400g Rs 86, 1Kg Rs 185 Le Bon Paneer Indian bungalow cheese 200g Rs 26 400g Rs 50 Table 4 Dabon Products for the Institutional Sector Cheese Product Description Creamy n Sancky Cheese Portions Suitable for in-flight meals, mini-bars and breakfast buffets.Available in 19g portions Creamy Cheese spread (Two flavours Plain and Black pepper) Suitable for Ita lian food, baked dishes and dips Individually wrapped cheese Slices (Two flavours Plain and Black pepper) For burgers and sandwiches. Available in 17g portions Grate n Garnish Cheese An all-purpose mild processed cheese for grating and garnishing. Available in 1kg blocks Cheddar Processed Cheese All-purpose cheddar processed cheese. Available in 1kg blocks Le Bon Paneer Indian Cottage cheese. Available in 200g and 400g packets 4. 3. 6. StrategyDabon has played it safe in the Indian market so far, close-fitting production and sales to the popular processed cheese and Paneer segment. It capitalizes on the fact that it uses international world row production techniques with a focus on quality and hygiene. Bongrain SA obviously believes in the potential for cheese in India, increasing its investment in the country despite having its joint venture dampenner Dabur pull out. 4. 4. 1. Imported cheese Market When the Indian government removed quantitative restrictions on consumer products in 2001, it was expected that merchandise products would flood the market and pose a threat to topical anesthetic brands.International cheese companies have established agents to market their products and enter the Indian market. The three main importers are Bel Fromagerieswhich introduced its Laughing Cow brand in 2001 and more recently, Kiri cream cheese. Kraft cheese is presently available only in specialty imported goods stores. However, the company is planning to enter the Indian market and its strategy is to have an extensive reach into small retail outlets in the country. The company also aims at a presence by introducing affordable products with the make up attributes that meet local consumer needs.Boursin a large French cheese maker announced its entry as an importer of cheese into the Indian market in November 2006. Boursin go out be traded in the country by RRO, which has a tie up with Unilever for marketing and distribution. RRO is an established importer of interna tional branded consumer food items. Boursin is a 100% Vegetarian Cheese since it is made without animal rennet. The product is available in four varieties in the country Boursin Plain, Bourisn Garlic and mulct herbs, Boursin Pepper, and Boursin Shallot and Chives.Boursin Cheese is available at several leading food outlets in the country. 4. 5. 1. Regional Players back up by the success of Amul, many state dairy cooperatives have entered the cheese segment. These cooperatives have capitalized on their breathing brand strengths to capture a sizeable market share in their region. Prominent regional players are Table 5 Regional Players in the Indian Cheese Market Company Brand adenylic acid Regions Cheese Products Other ProductsMother Dairy India Limited (wholly owned by interior(a) Dairy festering Board) Mother Dairy (North India, Mumbai and Calcutta Individually wrapped slices, Cheese spread, Cheese cubes and Paneer Liquid Milk, Yogurt, Ice creams, Dairy Whiteners, Butter, rigid vegetables, Fresh fruits and vegetables, Vegetable oils and Fruit juices Milkfed (Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation) Verka (North India, Mumbai and Calcutta) Cheese spread, Processed cheddar cheese, congenital cheddar cheese, Cheese singles and Paneer Flavoured milk, Lassi, Yogurt, Butter, Ghee, Milk powders, Malted drink, Ice-creams, Milk based Indian sweets Andhra Pradesh Dairy suppuration Cooperation Federation (APDDCF) Vijaya (Predominantly South India based) Processed cheese Sterilized Flavoured Milk, Paneer, Indian sweets and Buttermilk Of the above listed players, Mother Dairy is the largest, with aggressive growth plans in the cheese business.The companys strategy is to focus on the large childrens segment, with two successful marketing campaigns in 2006 aimed at the child consumer, and to have a better relationship with retailers. As part of its strategy to plus its national presence, Mother Dairy also plans to improve its distribution network and sub join the shelf living of its cheese so as to increase its reach in the country. Mother Dairys sales for cheese are increasing at about 30-40% a year. Two other state cooperatives that produce and market cheese are the southern states of Karnataka (Nandini brand) and Tamil Nadu (Aavin brand). These two brands though, congenitally maintain a state presence rather than a regional one. 5. SWOT Analysis of Indian cheese industryFor developing a sound strategic plan for the cheese industry and mainly for the marketing and brand recognition, first a detailed analysis is required to be done. For this reason, a SWOT analysis of the same is done as shown below 5. 1. Strengths The Demand for cheese is ever increasing with change in the consumption pattern of consumers. In the mass consumption category, Indian consumers are more ready to buy off the shelf. Paneer, which all the major cheese producers are marketing as a branded product, was traditionally homemade. Secondly, with greater inter national exposure, move incomes and brand affiliation the demand for niche cheese products has increased.Amul was an early mover in capitalizing on the demand for specialized cheeses like Gouda and Emmental. The profit margins for companies arequiet reasonable since competition is not very savage like in the Indian telecom sector. The availabilityof raw material is abundant since India is the worlds largest milk producer, accounting for more than 13% of worlds total milk production. India has abundant technologicalmanpower which can be professionally-trained a technical human resource pool is available. 5. 2. Weaknesses One of the biggest problems in the marketing of cheese is the lack of existing infrastructure, especially cold chains from the producer to the consumer.Existing players, especially Amul that also uses such facilities for its other dairy products like milk, already has a fairly well established national network. However, new entrants, including importers need to ma ke extra infrastructural investments. This can be quite daunting for companies that are making a market entry into the dairy and cheese industry, extraly with limited existing knowledge of rate of flow distribution issues. The lack of cold storage facilities cause the biggest problems to regional players who are trying to gain a national presence. They neither have existing infrastructure nor the financial muscle of international companies. To improve logistic issues, some regional players, like Mother Dairy are positioning their plants in different geographic regions.Many regional cheese brands are currently not able to retail nationwide because of the limited shelf life of their cheese products. For example, Mother Dairy, a subsidiary of the National Dairy study Board and a hugely successful retailer has confined most of its sales to the northern belt. Its reason- the shelf like of most of its dairy products including cheese is only about 10 days. . India being the second large st country in the world and a land of distances, most regional producers do not have the advanced packaging, processing and distribution technology for geographical expansion 5. 3. Opportunities The increasing incomes of the people due to a strong growth in the GDP allow huge potential for growth. The cheese industry is growing at almost 20% per year.The explosion of retailing in India will probably have a significant impact on the cheese industry it will provide the cheese manufacturing companies with better distribution networks which will result in an increase in sales. There is a phenomenal scope for innovations in product development, packaging and presentation. I. e. Indianization of cheese by coming up with various different flavours suited to Indian tastes. E. g. Dabon, in acknowledgement of guest preferences for indigenous cheese, has customized their portfolio to include paneer. Efforts to exploit export potential are already on. Amul is exporting to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka , Nigeria, and the Middle East. side by side(p) the new GATT treaty, opportunities will increase tremendously for the exportof agro-products in general and dairy products in particular for the local players.There is scope form improvement in Food Technology to increase the shelf life of cheese and thus increase the nationwide presence of cheese products. 5. 4. Threats Importing cheese, especially for mass consumption faces two main stumbling blocks i) High costs Added to the high cost of importing cheese, importers often also have to invest substantially in a distribution network due to the lack of cold chains. Indian consumers are price sensitive and importers find it difficult competing against local, better priced brands, which are also in synch with the local palate. ii) Inordinate time lag in supplies Due to logistics and the duration of the import process, replenishing stock takes at least(prenominal) a couple of months, making it difficult for importers to cater rapidly to demand variations.Competition among Sellers The two pronged strategy that sellers will follow in the next a few(prenominal) years is i) To increase the size of the market through with(predicate) greater awareness, and ii) To increase availability of cheese products to the expanded market. The Amul and Britannia brands have the strongest national dairy brand identity. To compete with these established brands and gain national presence, other cheese retailers will resort to heavy marketing. Cheese advertize budgets alone are likely to be around 2%-4% of total revenues. Advertising strategies could include, for e. g. cross selling with complementary food products and offering free cheese tasting sessions. In the past couple of years, for example, Mother Dairy has already been pursuing aggressive advertising strategies.One successful promotion in Delhi and Mumbai was the Cheese khao superhero ban jao (Eat Cheese to become a Superhero) event, where kids buying cheese at retail outlets were invited for a photo- op dressed as superheroes with a framed photograph presented to them. Another helped the company bond better with its retailers. In November 2005, retailers in Delhi displayed banners proclaiming, Cheese ke saath bees ki cheez (Buy Cheese and get Rs. 20 worth of freebies), a proposal where, if a consumer bought Mother Dairy cheese, the retailer would offer her free purchases worth Rs 20 from the store. Both these innovative campaigns were hugely successful in brand awareness and sales.Conclusion The study of thisSWOTanalysis shows that the strengths and opportunities far outweigh weaknesses and threats. Strengths and opportunities are fundamental and weaknesses and threats are transitory. Any investment idea can do well only when you have three essential ingredients entrepreneurship (the ability to take risks), innovative approach (in product lines and marketing) and values (of quality/ethics). 5. Market Segmentation In terms of market segmentation, all t he Indian cheese brands cater primarily to the retail sector. On the other hand, Dabon International Private Limited and Bel Fromageries have a retail and institutional client focus.The insitutional sector, comprising fast food chains, restaurants, in-flight caterers and hotels also source their cheese from closed-door dairy companies like Dynamix Dairy. Geographically, cheese is produced and marketed for domestic consumption. Amul Malai Paneer is only cheese product exported to the Middle East, Singapore and North America. Paneer is targeted at the large Non Resident Indian (NRI) population in these countries. 6. Trends in the Indian cheese market 7. 1. Production patterns The state cooperatives that market cheese like Amul, Mother Dairy and Verka have their own production plants and source milk from their cooperatives. Among international cheese companies, only Dabon Private Limited also produces cheese in the country, having its own plant in Noida, near Delhi.The only significan t private player, Britannia, does not make its own cheese but has it produced by the Maharashtra based private dairy company Dynamix Dairy Private Limited (which has a technical collaboration with Schreiber Cheese, USA). Bel Fromageries, the global French company that sells Laughing Cow and Kiri varieties of cheese in India, imports cheese into the country through its agent, Rai and Sons, Delhi. 7. 2. outgo patterns Cheese consumption continues to be an urban phenomenon, with processed cheese and cheese spreads accounting for about 80% of the total cheese consumption. Also, cheese is mostly consumed by children and is yet to be part of the mainstream adult victuals on a mass scale.The product mix and consumption pattern in India is unlikely to change drastically in the next few years. The largest demand will continue to be for processed cheese and cheese spreads. Children will continue to be the largest consumers of cheese. Of the predicted increase in demand, children will contri bute to the largest proportion in tier 2 cities while it will be adults in the metros. To cater to this increase, it is also likely that cheese producers introduce new varieties of specialty cheese in the metros. 7. Observations 1. Increasing and Widespread Demand Based on a multi-year study of dairy consumption patterns in China, Mckinsey predicts a growth in the demand for Cheese by 40% by 2011.With India having similar consumer trends- namely, growing incomes, westernization and urbanization Indian demand is likely to mirror Chinese patterns. Two conspicuous outcomes are i) There is likely to be a 25%-30% increase in demand in the metros and ii) There is likely to be a 5%-10% growth in demand in tier 2 cities as urbanization and modern consumption patterns extend to these cities. 2. Food technology improvements In the next 3 years, regional players will be forced to adopt new technologies that enable them to go national to survive. 3. Indianization of processed cheese The next t hree years will checker new Indian flavours of cheese being introduced in the processed cheese and cheese spread market.The Indian consumer has unique tastes with variations even across regions. Both Indian and International brands are likely to Indianize their cheese products with Indian flavours to attract a larger customer base. 4. Consolidation of Cheese Plants The explosion of retailing in India will probably have a significant impact on the cheese industry. Large chains of supermarkets that have entered the country, like Tesco, would follow their global policies of tightening supplier margins that could put small cheese producers out of business. The supplier end will likely be dominated by huge national producers who can action sufficient economies of scale to be able to afford low margins.There will be a few such national cheese factories, supplying to various cheese marketers and retail chains, who in turn brand cheese under their own labels. There is also a high probabi lity that cheese importers like Kraft and Bel Fromageries begin domestic production to lower prices and increased availability of their products. 8. Summary The organised cheese industry in India is at best in its nascent stage, accounting for less than 1% of total dairy production and largely limited to urban consumption. The organized cheese industry in India as of 2006, is valued at Rs 250 crore (US$ 50 million), with a volume in excess of 8000 tonnes. The industry growth rate is estimated at about 10%-12% per year in terms of volume and 16%-17% per year in value terms.Current household cheese penetration is 5%, with about 50% of consumption being limited to cities. Mumbai and Delhi together capture half of the cheese market. Within cheese products, around 60% of the market is dominated by processed cheese, 30% by cheese spreads and the remaining 10% by flavoured and specialty cheese. Amul and Britannia Milk Man are the lead brands. Overseas cheese producers are eyeing the Indian market for its huge promise. The explosion of retailing in India is expected to have its impact on the cheese industry also. This motif looks at the lead national and regional players as well as the consumption, production and marketing trends. 9. Key government contactsGovernment section Responsibility Contact Information Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DADF) The Department is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from disease and improvement of stocks and dairy development, and also for matters relating to the Delhi Milk Scheme and the National Dairy Development Board. The Secretary, Telephone+91 11 23382608 Email emailprotected in National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) A government organization, NDDB is the apex body of State cooperatives. Also provides training and consulting services. Head duty P. B. No. 40 Anand 388 001 Gujarat, INDIA Telephone 91-2692-260148/260149/260159/260 160 fax 91-2692-260159/260165 Email emailprotected coopMinistry of Food Processing Industries The main of import agency of the Government responsible for developing a strong and vibrant food processing sector with a view to create increased job opportunities in rural areas, enable farmers to reap avail from modern technology, create surplus for exports and stimulate demand for processed food The Joint Secretary, Telephone Ph. 011-26492476 Fax 011-26493228 Email emailprotected in 10.References www. themilkweed. com