Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Witches Role :: Macbeth essays

        In Shakespeares time, many people were superstitious they believedthat that their lives were strongly influenced, if not dictated by fate.  Theyalso thought that the world was full of elfin creatures, such as witches,ghosts, and many other such beings.  Shakespeare incorporated these aspects ofbelief in his play Mac Beth.  The witches, although accurately predicting whatwould occur, i.e., Mac Beth would be king, they did not limn how theirprophecies would be realized.        The witches did possess some sort of power (unless they were privy tosome political information which MacBeth was not aware of), otherwise, how couldthey have known that MacBeth had been appointed Thane of Cawdor?  Of course, at once MacBeth, who, living in such a society, was superstitious, is presentedwith Cawdors title, he believes that the other prediction, namely his kingship,must come true.  Banquo notes the danger inheren t in believing (and subsequentlyperforming on) the witches predictions he says, Were such things here as we dospeak about?/Or have we eaten on the insane root/That takes the reasonprisoner?  puzzle out I, scene 3, ll.83-85.         MacBeth is quite overwhelmed when he hears that he is now the Thane ofCawdor.  However, al nearly immediately, he starts thinking about how to bringabout his rule as king.         Aside deuce truths are told,        As happy prologues to the swelling act        Of the imperial theme.I thank you, gentlemen.        Aside This supernatural soliciting        Cannot be ill, cannot be good.  If ill,        Why hath it given me intent of success,        Commencing in a truth?  I am the thane of Cawdor.         If good, why do I yield to that suggestion        Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair        And make my sit down heart knock at my ribs,        Against the use of nature?  Present fears        Are less than horrible imaginings        My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,        Shakes so my single differentiate of man that function        Is smothered in surmise and nothing is        But what is not.  (1.3.127-141)         MacBeth seems to be fantasizing about having a direct role in Duncansdownfall.  He patently believes that the only way to make the witchespredictions come about, is to act on his urges (although he attained the titleof Cawdor without any extraneous effort). &n bsp       A wife has a tumescent influence on her husbands thinking.  Lady MacBethtries to persuade MacBeth to murder Duncan.  Throughout Act I, scene 5, thereare many speeches in which she tries to convince him.  However, the monologuemost relevant to my theme is Lady MacBeths first speech

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