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Example Exam Paper

clandestine LG/OCT2008/BEL311 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI mara final examination query COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME side of meat FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES BEL311 OCTOBER 2008 3 HOURS operating instructions TO CANDIDATES 1. 2. This question paper consists of two (2) parts piece A (13 Questions) PART B (1 Question) Answer alone questions from all in all parts in the Question Paper. 3. fill in the details below UiTM STUDENT humor NO. PROGRAMME/ CODE PART ENGLISH LANGUAGE GROUP NAME OF LECTURER 4. 5. You be allowed to bring in your English-English dictionary.Please check to make indisputable that this examination pack consists of i) the Question Paper DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 13 printed pages Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi mara occult confidential 2 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PART A READING COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the undermentioned articles and firmness all the questions that follow. phrase 1 Spare the retinal pe rch? I Schools in Europe and the United nation stopped using the reproof to discipline ramshackle youngsters spare-time activity protests from parents and politicians more(prenominal) than than 16 eld ago.In Malaysia, however, the coiffure has never left the school day grounds. beat has invariably been legal in Malaysian schools. The raising law 1957 (Amended 1959) allows corporal punishments, such as work over, to be meted discover by school authorities, only if exactly to schoolboys. An Education Ministry directive issued in 1994 listed eight offences that could warrant caning truancy, engagement in criminal activities, obscene and ungracious behaviour, loitering, dishonesty, dirty appearance and vandalism. 5 IIA essay on human beneficials awareness among secondary school instructers, students and administrators conducted by researchers from local universities engaged by the Human Rights missionary station of Malaysia (or SUHAKAM, its Malay acronym) reveale d the regular economic consumption of the cane in schools. What the inquiry found was a gross relegate of a pip-squeaks rights committed by teachers and administrators alike. In their findings, aside of the 5,754 students who participated in the watch over, close to 52 per centime of the students surveyed hold that caning commonly happened in their schools.It took place more often in rural schools than urban ones and intimately 80 per cent of the cases occurred at technical schools. 10 15 III Understandably, SUHAKAM is disheartened by the findings of its study. Commissioner and precept working group chairman, Professor Chiam Heng Keng said that musical composition SUHAKAM understands the need to discipline and punish wrongdoers, it primary(prenominal)tains that caning is non the best corrective nib. She further added that caning only tells the pip-squeak to stop whatever he has done. In opposite(a)(a) words, it does not address the underlying problem. She stress t hat teachers must work with parents to get to the root of the problem.She added that approximative punishments tend to reinforce a churls forbid attitudes. However, 20 25 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi mara mystic underground 3 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 she cautioned that we should not conf implement upholding the rights of the child with indulging the child. IV Although some experts argue that caning is outdated, even primitive, many educators defended it as a way to stem locomote madness in schools. Eighty per cent of teachers concur that persistent troublemakers in school should be caned. The SUHAKAM probe found that 79. 5 per cent of teachers and 71. per cent of administrators agree that persistent offenders should be caned though Malaysia had signed the firmness of purpose of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1995. In addition, they also revealed that girls were not spared the rod. Almost seven per cent of female respondents from girl schools had reported th is. Under the pass Child Act 2001, only boys between the ages of 10 and 18 may be subjected to corporal punishment. 30 35 V Last October, the Ministry of Education allowed teachers other than 40 headmasters, principals and those involved in disciplining students to use the cane.The finding followed the rise in cases of assault on teachers and gangsterism in schools. It was root oned that only certain teachers be empowered to cane students. I deportly, they should have at least(prenominal) 10 years of teaching experience and be married with children. 45 VI The secretary-general of the National coupling of the Teaching Profession, Lok Yim Pheng, admitted that there are other ways of disciplining a student. These embroil imposing fines, sending students to detention class and reservation parents sign a pledge to ensure that their children do not misbehave.However, if push comes to shove, then principals and headmasters should use the rod professionally and with compassion. She reiterated that even so, caning should be the penalisation of last resort, reserved for absolute hardcore cases and should never be done publicly. 50 The Star, July 15, 2007 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 forefront 1 conjure up whether the following sound outments are TRUE (T) or paradoxical (F). a) Caning troublemakers in school is considered a nominate of maltreatment by most teachers. In the survey carried out by SUHAKAM, both boys and girls were caned.When it comes to caning, the Education ordinance 1957 candidly contradicts the Child Act 2001. to a greater extent than half(prenominal) of the respondents in the survey had been caned by their teachers before. (2 marks) query 2 What do the following words mean as used in the passage? a) breach (line 14) b) disheartened (line 20) c) underlying (line 25) d) stem(line 31) ___ _ _ _ _ (2 marks) point 3 Circle your answer for the question below. According to teachers, the following are reasons they support caning in schools only a) Students who repeatedly cause trouble should be caned. b) Caning is one way to prevent violence in schools. ) Caning reduces assault cases and gangsterism in schools. d) Caning has the least negative effect on students. (1 mark) b) c) d) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 QUESTION 4 why is caning not the best corrective measure according to SUHAKAM? Give two (2) reasons. (1 mark) QUESTION 5 According to Professor Chiam Heng Keng, what is the best way to reduce discipline problems in schools? (1 mark) QUESTION 6 What is the main idea of paragraph VI? (1 mark) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi IMARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 6 LG/OCT2008/BEL311QUESTION 7 According to the secretary-general of the National Union of the Teaching Profession, only if push comes to shove, then teachers and headmasters should use the rod professionally and with compassion (lines 49-51). Under what co nditions did she recommend this? List two (2) conditions. (2 marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 Article 2 Caning Does more Harm Than Good I The Womens Centre for channelize Penang (WCC) notes with great concern the recent proposal to underwrite caning as a method acting to breed discipline problems involving schoolgirls.We caution against the use of the cane on children regardless of gender. II The caning of a child is in direct contravention of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (CRC), of which Malaysia is a signatory. Caning contravenes Article 19 of the CRC. Under the article, the governments must protect the child from all forms of maltreatment by parents or others responsible for his or her care. Furthermore, corporal punishment is a form of child abuse. There is no evidence to suggest that this method can improve a childs learning ability. 5 10 III Caning may not be the most effective way to deal with problems of undiscipline.While it may bring about the immediate entry of the child, the issues of physical harm as well as emotional damage to the child need to be taken into consideration. Corporal punishment can trinity to increased antisocial behaviour, aggression and chronic defiance. Furthermore, inflicting hard punishment and using mental humiliation on children have adverse effects such as loss of selfesteem and personality changes with ramifications on adult life. The use of the cane can be abused, especially when frustrations are vented. However, teachers who are fed up with the rising cases of indiscipline in schools may say caning is justified. 0 15 IV The social consequence of caning is that it sends a clear message that violence is an delicious form of behaviour in society, that is, it is all right to use violence and inflict pain to teach a child something. This goes against all efforts to reduce the aim of violence in our society. V Caning may seem to be a quick get up s olution to misbehaviour, but it fails to address the root causes of the problem. The causes involve an inability to fit into a rigid, examination-orientated education constitution of rules, the negative effects of 25 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 8 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 overty, the need to challenge boundaries, insufficient focal point from the home, dysfunctional family situations, negative influences from the neighbourhood surroundings, among others. 30 VI WCC would therefore urge the Ministry of Education to 1. Work with other agencies and community groups, for example those dealing with the health, welfare and rights of the child, so as to provide support where needed, to both students and school authorities 2. Consult with experts in various palm to work out alternative forms of discipline which admit behaviour modification programmes that abet enhance substantiating behaviour of students 5 3. Support school teachers by reducing the number o f students per class, having teacher assistants, providing skills training in class control and handling difficult students, having devil to highly trained counselors and child psychologists 40 4. nominate a more balanced education carcass which moves away from an over-emphasis on examinations towards a more holistic education which cultivates the childs other potentials. Prema E. Devaraj, Programme Director, Womens Centre for Change, Penang. The Star, celestial latitude 3, 2007 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 9 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUESTION 8 What does Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of The Child state? (1 mark) QUESTION 9 Caning as a measure of instilling discipline among students can principal sum to emotional damage. List four (4) kinds of damage. (2 marks) QUESTION 10 The social consequence of caning is that it sends a clear message that violence is an acceptable form of behaviour in society, that is, it is all right to use violence and inflict pain to teach a child something. (lines 21-23) What does Prema Devaraj mean by the above sentence? 2 marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 10 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUESTION 11 How can the negative influences from the neighbourhood environment (lines 29-30) cause students to misbehave in school? (2 marks) QUESTION 12 List two (2) recommendations made by the Womens Centre for Change to the Ministry of Education on how to help teachers in the classroom. (1 mark) QUESTION 13 The education system should move away from an over-emphasis on examinations and become more holistic in order to develop the students other potentials or talents.State two (2) ways the education system can develop the students other potentials or talents. (2 marks) Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 11 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PART B WRITING (20 MARKS) QUESTION 1 You are a school counselor and you are asked to give a talk to a group of teachers. Based on th ese two articles Spare the Rod? and Caning Does More Harm Than Good, you have developed the following opinion about the issue Caning should not be allowed in schools today Using the randomness from the two articles, write a speech of about 300 words to support your opinion.Include three main ideas with supporting details for your talk. (You must use instruction that you have gathered from reading the two articles but marks will be deducted if you copy sentences from the articles). In-text citations and comme il faut acknowledgement of references used must also be included. Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 12 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 13 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 END OF QUESTION PAPER Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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