Sunday, September 15, 2019

Electronics Human Resources Management (E-Hrm)

Introduction Electronics Human Resources Management (e-HRM) is one of the most critical tools for analyzing businesses for the next step in business strategy. Even the tiny, no more than 30 staff in an office is necessary to explore the advantage of using e-HRM to achieve higher efficiency. Many companies do not understand how much time and cost they are spending on traditional human resource management (HRM) tasks until they brainstorm and try to save their time.E-HR can provides valuable potential for a wide variety of uses including employee self-service, the production of reports, the sharing of information and the administration of functions (Pass, 2002). VHR offers a network-based structure built on partnerships and typically mediated by information technology(IT) to help an organization acquire, develop and deploy intellectual capital(Lepak and Snell,1998). Therefore, e-HRM is evaluating to be its information technology(IT) field .One of the major reason why using e-HRM is tha t global competition is giving more and more stress on managers in United State to increase the speed and the quality of decision making. Moreover, providing more funding in information technology usually result in faster and better management decision making. ( Broderick, R. & Boudreau, J. W. ,1992) More and more senior managers started to use e-HRM to improve the performance in Human Resources .Hussain, Wallace, and Cornelius (2007) discovered that the norm, irrespective of company size can be increased gradually for senior HR professionals implementing the systems of e-HRM and this had led to the HR profession providing a value-add for the company. The main objectives of this paper are to: -Understanding the Electronic Human Resource Management -Types of Electronic Human Resource Management -Theoretical Perspectives -Example of using Electronic Human Resource Management The paper is written as follows.First and foremost, we provide a understanding basic concept of e-HRM ,how it w orks and the uses of computers. Then we will describe the three types of e-HRM and explain the theoretical perspectives with example. Lastly, we recap the conclusion and provide suggestions for organization in the future. After reading this paper, we will see the importance of implementing electronic Human resource information systems. a. Structure of your paper 1. Present the major concepts or real world problems you want to address Understanding Electronic Human Resource ManagementNowadays, the concept of e-HRM is still unclear no meter how senior mangers frequently using them. In fact, e-HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities. (Strohmeier, S. , 2007). The aim of e-HRM is to provide the potential improvement of services to HR department stakeholders. Apart from this, the operating and transferring of computerized HR in formation is also called electronic human resource management.It offers companies to reduces costs and provide more sufficient information to employees in a shorter and more efficient way. Especially in economic downturn, it becomes the key for companies to be more efficient in every section of their business. The majority of the computer applications are to manage employee personal records and payroll. A common payoff to such investments was more efficient information management. Type of Electronic Human Resource Management Three major type of e-HRM like operational, relational and transformational were revealed by Lepak and Snell (1998).Operational e-HRM is involved in supervisory function like employee personal data and payroll. Many Human Resources activities such as pay and benefits service to the Internet are rearranged by many firms in order to achieve higher efficiency (Perrine, 2001). In traditional way, the basic salary, commission, wages, and benefits were recorded and ca lculated by manual writing on paper at a certain time interval. However, the internet offers an instantaneous way for employees obtaining information on separating into salaries, deductions and accumulated balances.The information of Wages, other benefits and salary can be directly achieved by downloading from the payroll, benefits and compensation databases. (Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H. , & Wat, F. K. T. , 2008) Relational e-HRM is focused on supportive business operations. Incidentally, training, recruitment, performance management are examples of under Relational e-HRM.. In recruitment and selection, online recruiting is the trend nowadays. (Bussler and Davis, 2001; Kumar, 2003)The information of the job seekers is stored in the information system.The method of screening out of suitable candidates is no longer by human eyes, but enters the keywords for identifying the basic requirement. Moreover, performance appraisal will not only be evaluated at a period of ti me, but can easily be followed up online by not tracking only one databases such as supervisors, peers, customers or subordinates. (Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H. , & Wat, F. K. T. , 2008)One of the major reasons in using e-HRM is that the use of internet support for the function of training and development. (Kirrane,1990).It can save the time of teacher in recording the a series of lessons once and upload it on the e-Learning for the candidates to learn by themselves. Besides, the reference books can be printed out as a PDF file and uploaded it on the databases system for candidate or researcher further educations. As a results, the education materials like recruiting teachers, reserving rooms for teaching or ordering the books can be reduced gradually. Hence, it can save the cost in training section. On the other hand, it increase the efficiency and effectiveness .Transformational e-HRM is covered the area of HRM activities with a strategic character, for instances, know management, strategic re-orientation. Know management is about organizations using new method to engage the problems of innovation and competitiveness. (Swart and Kinnie, 2003). It is possible to create a change ready workforce through an integrated set of web-based tools that enables the workforce to develop in line with the company’s strategic choices or to have paper-based materials. (Huub and Tanya ,2004) Theoretical PerspectivesWell defined theory can become the critical part in research and development. In this paper, we will discuss them briefly. New institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983) provides adequate and developed possibilities to explain the connections of the context and the structure of e-HRM. Transaction cost theory(Williamson,1994) explains the structure and the connection of the economic consequences of e-HRM. In the other words, organization should consider the institutional arrangements according to the cost effectiveness.Example of using Electronic Human Resource Management In cost leadership objectives, cost reduction in different aspects such as reporting, monitoring the status of applications and transaction operation is the main concerned of many senior professionals. In order to reduce the administrative cost effectively and efficiently, computerization can exclude the layers of paper writing and decentralize administrative work. As a result, administrative standardization, accuracy and the controls will also be improved. Conclusion 2.Present the theories and models that you want to use to analyze the concepts or problems based on your real world experiences 3. Analyze the concepts or problems by using these theories and models 4. Present your conclusions Reference Pass, C. (2002),†How one company has embraced e-HR†,HR Focus,Vol. 79,pp. 1-3. Broderick, R. & Boudreau, J. W. (1992) Human resource management, information technology and the competitive edge, Academy of Management Executive, 6(2), 7-17. Lepak,D. P and Snell,S. A. (1998),†Virtual HR:Strategic human resource management in the 21st century†, Human Resource Management Review,Vol. , pp. 215-34 Hussain, Z. , Wallace, J. , & Cornelius, N. E. (2007). The use and impact of human resource information systems on human resource management professionals. Information & Management, 44, 74-89. Strohmeier, S. (2007), Research in e-HRM: Review and implications. Human Resource Management Review, 17, 19-37. Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H. , & Wat, F. K. T. (2008), Importance of the Internet to Human Resource Practitioners in Hong Kong, Personnel Review, 37, 66-84. Huub and Tanya(2004)†E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation.An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM† Kirrane, D. E. (1990),†Machine learning†, Training and Development Journal,Vol. 4, pp. 24-9. Kumar, S. 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