Friday, September 27, 2019

Old Testament Prophets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Old Testament Prophets - Research Paper Example A study of the scriptures shows that Joseph and Mary were David’s descendants even though their family lineages are different. The fulfillment of the conditions of the covenant by man was very crucial since, fulfillment led to blessedness while failure to fulfill or obey led to discipline or curse. The prophetic message or utterance entails forth telling, which is the explanation of current occurrences and foretelling, which entails what will happen in the future. God’s relationship with the children of Israel through covenants necessitated the prophetic utterance of the Old Testament prophets, correcting them when they strayed and encouraging them when they felt discouraged. In the book of the major prophet Jeremiah, the results of violating the covenants are very well documented, denoting the very great relationship between the covenants and prophecy in the Old Testament.3 Words, prophecies, wars and blessings are all shown to take place in accordance to what God has said many years earlier. It is in the book of Jeremiah where the chosen people of God are taken into captivity, with Jeremiah earning the tag â€Å"the weeping prophet† as he weeps continually , warning of impending judgment to a people and Kings who disbelieve and even have him thrown into prison. The exile into Babylon was a very distressful happening but one that could have been avoided had the chosen race heeded prophetic utterance, where God had warned that one of the consequences of disobedience would be exile to other nations. Though the prophets were speaking with their own voices, they were giving forth Gods mind and counsel to the children of Israel. God Some of the covenants that God established with His people include the one that He made at Aden as narrated in Genesis 1:28 -30 where God gave man the responsibility to procreate and fill the earth, with a promise to bless him.4 Man was also given the responsibility of taking care of the garden of Aden, having domin ion over the animals and taking care not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was at the centre of the garden. After man rebelled and ate of the tree of knowledge and evil, God made the Adamic covenant too, because the relationship between God and man changed since man had not kept his part of the bargain. 5 The serpent was cursed, God made the first promise of a redeemer, who would come through the lineage of Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac Jacob Judah and David. The woman was placed under the headship of man and would from then on suffer pain at childbirth. Man also suffered the loss of the garden of Aden where life was easy and henceforth got into a life of hard work due to the resultant cursing of the ground for his sake. He would from that time on suffer sorrow and have a shortened lifespan and also suffer the pain of death. God later made covenant with Noah after the flood which had been occasioned by man’s rebellion, leading to the destruction of the whole world with water except Noah and his family. God promised never again to harm his people with water, setting a bow in the sky to act as a reminder to man of God’

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