Thursday, June 20, 2019

Christine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Christine - Essay Examplein women or cars and that is perhaps the reason why female monarch used a feminine personification for the car to make Arnies relationship with it look same a love triangle, that is, if Leigh is added in the picture. Using a male personification for the car could not ready as compelling as when it was given a female name. In the following paragraphs, it will be make clear that if Christopher took the character of Christine, the story would not have been impressive or effective for Kings objectives in the romance. In addition, the standard comprehension of men in relation to cars, the stereotypical female lover who is possessive, jealous, cunning, devious and their unconventional characteristic of being a hero will be discussed to merely explain why Christopher cannot be as an effective character as Christine.Arnie is the bullied type of character in his school and hometown. He is described in the novel as pizza-face with his pimples often oozing and he had only one friend, Dennis. This means, he was the type of guy who surely is still a virgin when his age match changed girlfriends a number of times already. With such physical characteristics, Kings story would not be believable if Arnie suddenly turns into an extreme character, dating the more or less beautiful girl in school. Therefore, the author uses an obsession to an old car that Arnie thinks he could turn into a beauty, as the reason for Arnies transformation. When Arnie bought the car, there have been changes in his character which only girls can have an influence on in boys, or at least that is how parents often see it. He off from the yes sir/yes maam boy he had been for seventeen years to a man who fights for the things he believes in. Yes, he turned into a man just like when a boy does when he gets his first sexual experience. Although Arnies relationship with the car is not sexual at all, the fact that it is named Christine, a female name, it is made to look like he just had his

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