Friday, June 14, 2019

NCPC Web Field Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NCPC Web Field Trip - Essay ExampleAllowing oneself to communicate with suitable understanding of both sides while expressing truths of opinions or sentiments may also get the other person to back off from upset contention. Then if neither of these reckon to work, the next best advice would be to acquire a mediating body preferably one who has not had previous connections with the involved parties so as to avoid partiality in resolving the conflict. Another useful approach would be to pr runice active listening. This way, the possibility of finding similar situations with the opposing individual is likely to indicate some degree of comprehension and concern, noting how a certain encounter is understood on the same perspective by both (NCPC). How important is it to walk in the other persons shoes when trying to avoid or resolve a conflict? Explain. Putting oneself in another persons shoes fundamentally means empathizing and this requires a profound level of sincere listening so th at one understands what the other individual has gone through which might have brought him to act in a trait of weakness resulting to the conflict.

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