Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Automobile in America (American History) Research Paper

The Automobile in America (American History) - Research Paper ExampleCars had been invented many decades earlier, besides its high cost limited access to the majority of Americans. The cut across Company in the 1920s changed the industry forever. The companys superior mass return techniques allowed Ford to lower the cost of producing an automobile dramatically. The Ford Model T was the car model that became a mainstream in the 1920s when the price of the auto was bring down to $310, nearly $500 cheaper than a decade earlier (Kenney, 2001). The company had the best selling product in America which was a critical success promoter that gave Ford a competitive advantage. The Ford Company valued the effort of its workers. The company created thousands of good paying jobs which helped the American economy. By the end of the 1920s Ford had manu incidentured and distributed 15 million Ford T vehicles across America (Virgina). The proliferation of the automobile accelerated the speed of growth of the American economy due to the fact that the ability to commute freely increased commercial activity and the amount of work opportunities for

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