Sunday, August 11, 2019

Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Letter - Essay Example As for my country, I would like to come up with the best health care plan in the world where every citizen is entitled to free medical healthcare. With a healthy nation, the currency will increase in value thus, improving the economic level. For me to reach the presidency, people in my Arabian community would have had a greater share of me. This is only possible if I am their Governor. Following the discussions I had with a number of governors in Saudi Arabia, my people have been deprived their rights for a very long time. A time for change has come and with his guidance, I will sail through. During my years in college, I had started a community based group called â€Å"The Young Flames† which encourages young people to spearhead for real change and fight injustice. We have been able to reclaim over a hundred youths who had sunk into drug abuse and with this we thank ourselves. After college, I want to improve our group for it to become a national movement in future and am certain of this. My political science course has been the most enjoyable and with it, change is going to be

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