Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stress Implications for College Students Research Paper

Stress Implications for College Students - Research Paper Example However, this generation has adopted certain ineffective and unconstructive methods to overcome stress and consequently stays more troubled (Bland et al. 362). As a result of majority of students being troubled and stressed out, it raises concern as to what underlying root sources are involved and what solutions shall work best to combat these causes. I believe that the college students of this generation suffer largely from stress because of financial issues, transitional difficulties and technicalities of burdensome study courses. Therefore, after conducting comprehensive research and studying various pieces of literature, this paper has been prepared to identify and analyze most common and major reasons that have exposed college students to stress and anxiety. Masses around the globe have suffered from recessionary downfall and inflationary pressures. Inflation has caused an increase in costs of living and competition, resulting in stressful circumstances for students joining coll ege. The added expenditure of tuition fees, purchase of books and other supplementary necessities covers a substantial proportion of any household income. Consequently, families suffer from liquidity difficulties and students get tensed about their financial burdens being borne by their caretakers. Moreover, if students approach the college trust for financial aid, then it creates a stressful burden of liability that must be eventually repaid and settled by them. In fact, â€Å"62% of students say that over the past three months financial worries have had some/a lot of impact on the stress the experience in their daily life† (MtvU 2). Students, who are already facing increased expectations and demands for academic performances from their families and mentors, also have to go through additional stressful factors pertaining to college studies, including regular tuition fees, study material expenses, hostel or alternate residing arrangements, traveling and entertainment expenses and other miscellaneous outflows that come part and parcel with college life (May & Stephen 264).  

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