Friday, August 9, 2019

Strategic Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Marketing - Case Study Example It is a democratic country which ensures that the tourism industry enjoys stability and hence the hotel industry will also get benefitted. India has a specific ministry called tourism ministry which formulates strategies to enhance the tourism sector in India. Indian government charges huge amount of taxes from the luxury hotels which will have a huge impact as political scenario changes. The hotel industry in India gets good incentives and the respective state governments also supports development of such hotels and their growth. Though the terrorist attacks on Taj Hotels and Oberoi hotel have led to drop in foreign travellers, Indian government is taking steps to allay such fears (Kachwala and Mukherjee, 2009, p. 158). Economic Factors India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world with the GDP growing almost 4 to 5 % where the rest of the world economies are slowing down. Hence many business meetings and conferences are held in India and the hotel industry tries to cap italize on that. It is seen that many foreign tourist travellers are now willing to spend money to get their value for it. As economy of India is increasing at a good pace, it signifies investments in infrastructure, construction of new avenues for tourist, increase in promotional expenditure, beautification of the cities and towns etc. These give a boost to the hotel industry. With high growth in GDP and a sound financial system, the hotel industry has grabbed the chance of enhancing their profitability (Anand, 1976, p. 43). Socio-Cultural India being a diverse nation has diverse languages, traditions, cultures, cuisines; making it an ideal destination for cultural tourism. India has more 22 languages recognized by constitution and 1600 dialects. Hence cultural tourism in India will rise and so will the growth of the hotel industry. According to Indian culture they always treat guest as God. In Sanskrit there is a popular Shloka â€Å"ATHITHI DEVO BAHVAH†. It gestures the lo ve for their guest that exist in India. Foreigners love this concept and are pleased with the love they get in travelling to India. This also enhances the Hotel Industry (Briggs, 2001, p. 49). Technological In today’s globalised world Information technology plays a critical role in tourism planning and implementation. There are web based platform like, in India which provides tourist booking hotels online. Most of the luxury hotels are now Wi-Fi enabled. More technology means less manpower and chance of lesser complaints. This shows enhancement of the Hotel Industry In India transportation system is not as per the international standard. For any nation to be successful in tourism industry it must be equipped with efficient transportation system which is capable of carrying large volumes of people in a cost efficient way. India is lagging behind in this front. If this improves a foreigner can easily find such luxury hotels and travel there comfortably (Kannan, 2005, p. 39). Environmental In India the environmental forces supports the Hotel Industry in India. Environmental forces like growth of GDP, Political stability in India supports the Hotel industry in India. Legal Indian Legal system is very strong and it doesn’t support any flouting of rules like keeping emergency services ready, keeping the appropriate records of the foreign visitors, paying of appropriate taxes etc. Such

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